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I found this
Andreini was lieutenant col. when go to China but get the colonel rank there the 1st november '37
i've not a specific source but in common knowledge, that the 30a and 31a divisione in the 1934 Baistrocchi law were on 2 rgt
but if you check in your source* for the 31a it's listed that in 1934 was on 59° and 45°, in the 30a divisione text there is no indication on the 1934 structure but 59&45...
the 30a divisione in the 1926 Ordinamento was on 45°, 46° and 59°in the Ordinamento Baistrocchi (1934) the 30a was on 46° and 60° and the 31a was on 45° and 59°
Here - Reparti uniformati - Elenco definizioni.pdf there is not a 160° btg mitraglieri
however imho there was not a btg mitraglieri in a infantry rgt in WWI, but probably some mitraglieri unit was raised from the depot of the 123° rgt Chieti
too me is...
the italian artillery in north africa was motorized*, excluding the position unit and a few pack 65/17 on dromedary
* motorized at italian way, they had the vehicles for move the guns, it's not compulsory that they had enough vehicles for move all the unit man and equipment
try here
the download not work, however seem a online magazine
here work
idk, but look strange the use of nicknames in the army, i did the service in peacetime, obviously, but all were called by surname, also if there was people with the same surname
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