Get Paid to Write for Comando Supremo: We are looking for talented researchers/writers who are fluent in English and can write original content on Italy in World War Two. Please reach out to if interested!
I see now that there is already a review of this book here - link on the "Home" front page. I shall just add that it is on sale at Amazon Kindle for a few bucks. I shall post a review anyway, more on the writing as such than on the actual facts described in the book.
It would have been of interest to analyze which usable Italian forces could have been spared for North Africa if it had not been decided to invade Greece. Would have saved up a lot of shipping otherwise used to supply the troops in Albania, too.
If the original Italian target in North Africa...
Considering the position of the Italian forces in Eastern Africa, I would say that an attempt to strike north against Egypt and the Suez Canal was the ONLY viable strategy. d'Aosta, on site and feeling the crunch, probably understood this better than the Italian leadership in Rome. Of course...
Interesting article!
As for the use of the word "failed" I suppose Mussolini's intention with the September 1940 offensive was really to reach the Suez Canal. That Graziani thought otherwise doesn't negate the verdict of "failure". Just my opinion.
That said, considering the fact that Italy...
Referring to your "c" and "d" - I have no objections to the use of what I contributed with on the previous website - whatever it is worth…;)...Of course, if you find it irrelevant - "c"...….:whistle:..
Well, well - this is great! I don't know what happened to this site except for what Jeff has written in the introduction here. I was thrown out years ago (for whatever reason - I don't know), never to be able to get back in again. I have tried on numerous occasions, to no avail - now I...
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