• Get Paid to Write for Comando Supremo: We are looking for talented researchers/writers who are fluent in English and can write original content on Italy in World War Two. Please reach out to webmaster@comandosupremo.com if interested!

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  1. S

    Ethiopia: Eritrean Colonial Troops

    Reading around I think the quality of Eritrean units declined between 1934 and 1941. Prior to 1935 all Eritrean ascari were volunteers. However, in the lead up to the invasion of Ethiopia conscription was introduced and 40% of Eritrean manpower was mobilised either voluntarily or by...
  2. S

    OOB for Battle of Keren

    Yup. The same is true the official Italian army and navy histories of the campaign. They fall out of EU copyright after 70 years and they were first published in the early 1950s. However, I think the Italian official air force history is not yet available online. All the Indian official campaign...
  3. S

    OOB for Battle of Keren

    I look forward to it. Sid.
  4. S

    How soon did the British release captured Italian colonial troops?

    How soon did the British release captured Italian colonial troops in AOI? I have read that, after release, some unemployed ex-Eritrean troops were able to find lots of discarded Italian weaponry and ammunition to form bandas of brigands and it wasn't until early 1945 that Eritrea could be...
  5. S

    The identity of Italian colonial battalions that surrendered at Adigrat on 3/4 April?

    According to a brief memoir by a British officer in the Sudan Defence Force, up to three battalions of colonial troops were captured at Adigrat on 3/4 April as they were withdrawing towards Amba Alagi. Do we know their designated numbers? Many thanks, Sid
  6. S

    Were all the Italian colonial units used in defending Eritrea in 1940/41 raised in Eritrea?

    Were all the Italian colonial units used in defending Eritrea in 1940/41 raised in Eritrea? Were any Ethiopian-raised units used in Eritrea? I have an unsourced note that says in 1935 60,200 Eritrean men, (40.3% of all adult males) were in the army. Do we have any figures for 1940/41, when...
  7. S

    Who was responsible for the Italian failure to fully exploit the crippling British weakness in Sudan over June-September 1940?

    The Sudan had a British garrison of only three infantry battalions, which were deployed defensively in the interior at the capital Khartoum, the railway junction at Atbara and Port Sudan. The Sudan Defence Force (initially 4,500 men) was really only an internal security force with just six motor...
  8. S

    A wrong strategy?

    While thrusting up into Egypt was probably not doable, much more trouble for the British in Sudan could have been caused by cutting the only railway at Atbara or seizing Port Sudan - the country's only port of significance. The Sudan had a British garrison of only three infantry battalions...
  9. S

    OOB for Battle of Keren

    Eritrea 1941 by A. J. Barker (London, 1966) has several appendices giving both British Commonwealth and Italian orders of battle at various stages of the Battle of Keren. However, it appears to be largely based on the official British, Indian Army and Italian Ministry of Defence histories that...
  10. S

    Is this 60 year old book still the most comprehensive in English on Italian aircraft in the Fascist era?

    Thanks to all contributors. I see that Italian Civil and Military Aircraft 1930-1945 by Jonathan Thompson is out of copyright in another nine years. Perhaps somebody will have the initiative to reissue it then, unless one of its more recent Italian competitors is translated first. The internet...
  11. S

    Did the scuttling of the "Umbria" on 10 June 1940 affect Italian air operations on AOI?

    Thanks. By sheer coincidence I managed to get a copy of
  12. S

    Did the scuttling of the "Umbria" on 10 June 1940 affect Italian air operations on AOI?

    I see that the British forced the scuttling of the Italian merchant ship Umbria off Port Sudan on 10 June 1940. She appears to have been carrying a large number of bombs to Massawa in AOI. One English-language source says 6,000 tons of them! Was Umbria really carrying that many bombs? If so, did...
  13. S

    Book: "Storie Segrete. Operazioni sconosciute o dimenticate della seconda guerra mondiale" by Rosselli, Alberto (2007).

    Has anyone read this book about Italian resistance behind British lines in Italian East Africa in 1941-43? Does it mention any British sources dealing with the British Military Administration of Eritrea, or is it entirely Italian sourced? I haven't been able to track down any significant...
  14. S

    What did the Italians make of the RAF's attempted raid on the Fiat Works in Turin on 11/12 June?

    Thanks Jeff. So, the raid was not a success militarily but achieved some political goals. Sid
  15. S

    What did the Italians make of the RAF's attempted raid on the Fiat Works in Turin on 11/12 June?

    The RAF launched 36 Whitley Vs to attack the Fiat Works in Turin on the night of 11/12 June. Even by British estimates, the raid was not a success. They believed only 13 aircraft found the target in bad weather. However, as at least two of them bombed Switzerland by mistake, it is clear that...
  16. S

    Italian popular singers and songs in WWII?

    I just found online an apparently wartime Italian version of Lili Marlene (). It set me to wondering what were the home grown popular songs in the Italian Army and who was their Vera Lynn? Cheers, Sid
  17. S

    Which sub-units of the 58th Legnano Division occupied Monaco over November 1942 to September 1943?

    Hi Maurizio, Many thanks. That indicates that Monaco was treated as a distinct entity by the Italian Army, rather than as just another part of their coastal defences in southern France. Could you clarify what each symbol in the jpg for the Settore Costiere Reggimentale di Monaco means? Many...
  18. S

    Is this 60 year old book still the most comprehensive in English on Italian aircraft in the Fascist era?

    Is Italian Civil and Military Aircraft 1930-1945 by Jonathan Thompson still the most comprehensive in English on Italian aircraft in the Fascist era and WWII? It is noticeable that the otherwise pretty comprehensive Putnam series on the aircraft of WWII never published one on the Italians. This...