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88mm batteria in A.S. 1940-1942


Staff member
Posted 03 June 2015 - 08:48 PM by david

Hi guys, can we identify the 88mm armed batteries that served in North Africa during 1940 - 1942?

I have 13o & 14o in XVIII Gruppo, but I suspect that there was a third one.

I have three Batteria in XXIX Gruppo, but I can't identify any of them.

I have 34o & 35o in XXXI Gruppo, but I suspect that there was a third one.

Posted 04 June 2015 - 01:25 PM by dicassette2000

XXXI Gruppo have only two batteries (34 and 35), XXIX Gruppo have three batteries (1.a, 2.a 3.a) and XVIII Gruppo only two (but i dont know the numbers)....
All the best

Posted 04 June 2015 - 03:26 PM by nmao

Just my 2 cents, from the article by Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani referenced in: http://fowbelgianarm...in-the-ariete-1

"the battalions, fielding a total of six batteries, which were sent to North Africa were intended for a strictly AA role. The XVIII battalion was sent in October of 1940, while the XXIX went in December of that year."

"The XVIII was truck mounted and lost one battery during the retreat to El Agheila at the time of Operation Crusader. But with the new January 1942 organization of the Italian division in Africa, called AS 42 (Africa Settentrionale - North Africa) the XVIII 88mm battalion became the V AA/AT battalion of the 1st Articelere regiment."

"two batteries of German 88mm AA/AT guns (13th and 14th), forming the V AT & AA battalion."

so my conclusion is that both XVIII and XXIX had 3 batteries initally.


-Nuno Oliveira

Posted 04 June 2015 - 06:27 PM david

Thanks to you both.


That sounds logical.

Posted 16 June 2015 - 07:36 PM

david, on 04 June 2015 - 06:27 PM, said:
Thanks to you both.


That sounds logical.

Posted 16 June 2015 - 07:36 PM by Oasis

XVIII that will become for a short time V/1° Articelere had 8 guns.


Posted 17 June 2015 - 05:14 AM by david


So XVIII Gruppo did only have 2 Batteria after all?

Posted 18 June 2015 - 09:08 AM by dicassette2000

When detached to AA defense and attached to first line divisions (January 42, 18.o to Brescia -5.o Gruppo-, 29.o to Littorio and 31.o to Ariete)the three 88/56 italian groups (18.o, 29.o and 31.o) were ALL on two batteries.....May 1942 5.o Gruppo Brescia 1st articelere was detached from division and attached to Ariete divisions and after to Folgore rearguard.....
All the best

Posted 22 June 2015 - 04:52 PM by Oasis

Maurizio is partially correct: V Gruppo (btys 13. and 14.)was attached to 8.bersaglieri Ariete between 21 and 25 may '42, and was completely wiped away on 3rd july '42 at Alam Nayil where all guns were lost. The few survivors of V gruppo will initially reenter into the 132. Ariete, and then definitively to the III gruppo of 1.Articelere with guns 75/27-06 (witness of Lt Pistoia and Ten Calabresi). V gruppo will no longer be reconstituted...
From 30 august to 5 november will be attached to 187. rgt Folgore the III Gruppo (btrs 7.8.9.) of 1.Articelere.



Posted 03 June 2015 - 08:48 PM by david

Hi guys, can we identify the 88mm armed batteries that served in North Africa during 1940 - 1942?

I have 13o & 14o in XVIII Gruppo, but I suspect that there was a third one.

I have three Batteria in XXIX Gruppo, but I can't identify any of them.

I have 34o & 35o in XXXI Gruppo, but I suspect that there was a third one.

Posted 04 June 2015 - 01:25 PM by dicassette2000

XXXI Gruppo have only two batteries (34 and 35), XXIX Gruppo have three batteries (1.a, 2.a 3.a) and XVIII Gruppo only two (but i dont know the numbers)....
All the best

Posted 04 June 2015 - 03:26 PM by nmao

Just my 2 cents, from the article by Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani referenced in: http://fowbelgianarm...in-the-ariete-1

"the battalions, fielding a total of six batteries, which were sent to North Africa were intended for a strictly AA role. The XVIII battalion was sent in October of 1940, while the XXIX went in December of that year."

"The XVIII was truck mounted and lost one battery during the retreat to El Agheila at the time of Operation Crusader. But with the new January 1942 organization of the Italian division in Africa, called AS 42 (Africa Settentrionale - North Africa) the XVIII 88mm battalion became the V AA/AT battalion of the 1st Articelere regiment."

"two batteries of German 88mm AA/AT guns (13th and 14th), forming the V AT & AA battalion."

so my conclusion is that both XVIII and XXIX had 3 batteries initally.


-Nuno Oliveira
For battalions XVIII and XXIX, the Italian purchase from Germany was for 12 guns each.


New Member
"The XVIII was truck mounted and lost one battery during the retreat to El Agheila at the time of Operation Crusader. But with the new January 1942 organization of the Italian division in Africa, called AS 42 (Africa Settentrionale - North Africa) the XVIII 88mm battalion became the V AA/AT battalion of the 1st Articelere regiment."

I have never seen a picture of a truck-mounted 88mm. The only German mounts I can recall were FAMO half-tracks, the heavy-duty version.

Are we sure this was the case?

All the best



Staff member

I am sure that is a language issue. One must be carful with the terms autocannone and autocampali. I am sure no 88/55 autocannoni were built.

Pista! Jeff
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