by GLADIVM » Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:46 am
I am looking for info regarding the life of Guido Pallotta , vice national secretary of GUF during fascism, and one of the young thinkers of Fascism.
He wrote in the magazine " Ventanni " and was known for his position against the party High-echelons.
He died on 9 Dic 1940 during the first phase of English offensive Compass and was awarded the Gold medal for Military Valour with the following mention
Medaglia d'oro al valor militare
Sottotenente di cpl. ( Fanteria , Raggruppamento libico «Maletti » )
luogo di nascita: Forlì (FO)
Data del conferimento: 1940
alla memoria
motivo del conferimento
Ufficiale addetto al comando di un raggruppamento truppe libiche attaccato da preponderanti forze corazzate nemiche, nel momento in cui più aspra ferveva la lotta, si offriva spontaneamente per recapitare un plico urgente. Trovata sbarrata la strada da un carro avversario, decisamente lo assaliva con lancio di bombe a mano, ma nell’eroico tentativo di immobilizzarlo, veniva colpito a morte. Legionario fiumano, magnifico combattente di due guerre, due volte volontario, suggellava con l’estremo sacrificio la sua ardimentosa vita. Marmarica - Alam el Nibeiwa (A.S.), 9 dicembre 1940.
I am interested to have some bio about his family background and to know if Pallotta agreed with the anti-semitic and racist position of Niccolo' Giani
Thanks for any help
by Steen Ammentorp » Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:35 am
You may already have this but nevertheless in addition to the above mentioned he was born in 1901 and took part as a volunteer in CC.NN. Division III Gennaio in the war in Ethiopia, where he was awarded the Silver Medal and the War Cross (Croce di Guerra al Valore militare) in 1936.
Kind Regards
Steen Ammentorp
The Generals of World War II
by GLADIVM » Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:28 am
Thanks, Steen,
I did not know that Pallotta got also a Silver Medal during the Italian invasion of Abyssinia.
I am looking for info regarding the life of Guido Pallotta , vice national secretary of GUF during fascism, and one of the young thinkers of Fascism.
He wrote in the magazine " Ventanni " and was known for his position against the party High-echelons.
He died on 9 Dic 1940 during the first phase of English offensive Compass and was awarded the Gold medal for Military Valour with the following mention
Medaglia d'oro al valor militare
Sottotenente di cpl. ( Fanteria , Raggruppamento libico «Maletti » )
luogo di nascita: Forlì (FO)
Data del conferimento: 1940
alla memoria
motivo del conferimento
Ufficiale addetto al comando di un raggruppamento truppe libiche attaccato da preponderanti forze corazzate nemiche, nel momento in cui più aspra ferveva la lotta, si offriva spontaneamente per recapitare un plico urgente. Trovata sbarrata la strada da un carro avversario, decisamente lo assaliva con lancio di bombe a mano, ma nell’eroico tentativo di immobilizzarlo, veniva colpito a morte. Legionario fiumano, magnifico combattente di due guerre, due volte volontario, suggellava con l’estremo sacrificio la sua ardimentosa vita. Marmarica - Alam el Nibeiwa (A.S.), 9 dicembre 1940.
I am interested to have some bio about his family background and to know if Pallotta agreed with the anti-semitic and racist position of Niccolo' Giani
Thanks for any help
by Steen Ammentorp » Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:35 am
You may already have this but nevertheless in addition to the above mentioned he was born in 1901 and took part as a volunteer in CC.NN. Division III Gennaio in the war in Ethiopia, where he was awarded the Silver Medal and the War Cross (Croce di Guerra al Valore militare) in 1936.
Kind Regards
Steen Ammentorp
The Generals of World War II
by GLADIVM » Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:28 am
Thanks, Steen,
I did not know that Pallotta got also a Silver Medal during the Italian invasion of Abyssinia.