Posted 20 April 2005 by Guardia Pretoriana
I would love to make a glossary of Italian military vehicle nomenclature. But it is very confusing.
This is a big list... But we can pick at it in little bits. Or add your own new words and changes. Thank you.
Ambulanza - Ambulance
Autoarticolato per trasporto corazzati -
Autoarticolato portacontainer -
Autoblindo -
Autobus - bus
Autocannone -
Autocarretta -
Autocarro - Car
Autocarro pontieri -
Autocarro tattico - Tactical Car?
Autocisterna -
Autofurgone -
Autogru -
Automitragliatrice -
Automobile corazzata - Armored Autobile
Autovettura -
Autovettura da Ricognizione -
Camionetta - Jeep or van type?
Carro Anfibio - Anphibious Car
Carro Armato -
Carro Comando - Command Car
Carro Gettaponte -
Carro Gittaponte su scafo -
Carro Pioniere su scafo -
Carro Soccorso e Recupero su scafo -
Carro Veloce -
Lanciarazzi Semovente Multiplo -
Leggero - Light
Locomotore stradale -
Medio - Medium
Motocarro - Motorcar
Motocarrozzetta -
Motocicletta - Motorcycle
Motocarro Moto -
Pesante - Heavy
Semovente - Self Propelled Gun?
Semovente controcarri - SP anti-aircraft
Semicingolato -
Trattore - Tractor
Trattrice -
Veicolo Anfibio Trasporto - Amphibious Transport Vehicle
Veicolo Assalto Anfibio - Amphibious Assault Vehicle
Veicolo Blindato da Combattimento -
Veicolo Blindato da Ricognizione -
Veicolo Cingolato Blindato Bimodulare -
Veicolo Corazzato da Combattimento - Armored Combat Vehicle
Veicolo d'Attacco Veloce -
Veicolo Multiruolo - Multirole Vehicle
Veicolo Posto Comando - Command Post Vehicle
Veicolo da Trasporto e Combattimento - Combat Transport Vehicle
posted 20 April 2005 by Michele
A huge task!
Your list includes names from different times (some names used in the past are rare today and names used today were not used in the past, in particular "official" and "burocratic" names) and include not only vehicles!
here you have few simple suggestions for missing translation in your list
(I am not an expert in such military translations..., in particular with modern stuff. )
Note that when you know the meaning of few words (automobile, carro, veicolo, semovente, combattimento, ricognizione, etc.) you can reconstruct the meaning of all:
Autoblindo = Armoured Car
Autocarro = lorry / truck
Automobile (also simply "auto")= Car
Autovettura = Automobile = Car
Autovettura da ricognizione = Recon car (?); Ricognizione = recon.
Carro Armato (complete name, often simply "Carro") = Tank
Carro Comando = command tank
Carro Veloce = fast tank / tankette
Semicingolato = Half-track
Cingolo = track
Cingolato\a : it's an adjective: it means "with tracks".
Trattore = yes, "tractor" (civil use in countryland) but also "prime mover" for artillery.
Corazzato/a : it's an adjective, means "armoured" (in the original menings "with an armour"), for example "nave corazzata", normally only "corazzata" means battleship.
Semovente : it's an adjective and means "self-propelled" (well, in the origin also "automobile" had he same meaning...), "Cannone Semovente" means "self-propelled gun", sometimes only "Semovente" but not official.
Controcarro = Antitank ("contro" means "against" etc.)
[Cannone] Semovente Controcarro = AT SPG.
Blindato\a : it's an adjective, same meaning as "corazzato", so basically it means "armoured".
Combattimento = combat, fighting.
Veicolo = vehicle. Basically, all things with wells and an engine are vehicles: cars, tanks, AC,
Veicolo blindato = armoured vehicle (?) - any vehicle with some armour.
Veicolo blindato da combattimento = Veicolo Corazzato da Combatimento = Combat armoured vehicle (?) - any vehicle with armour and weapons, so that it is fit for combat. So is a tank but can be also an armoured car.
Veicolo blindato da ricognizione = recon armoured vehicle (?) - any vehicle with armour and weapons built for recon. Essentially an armoured car (but in principle it could have tracks).
Lanciarazzi = rocket launcher
(Razzo =rocket)
Lanciarazzi semovente = self-propelled rocket launcher.
Posted 20 April 2005 by Lupo Solitario
well...try. A note, I indicate when term is WWII or modern between brackets...
Ambulanza - Ambulance
Autoarticolato per trasporto corazzati - AFV lorrying vehicle (modern)
Autoarticolato portacontainer - Pallet lorrying vehicle (modern)
Autoblindo - armored car
Autobus - bus
Autocannone - truck mounted cannon (WWII)
Autocarretta - general purpose vehicle (WWII)
Autocarro - truck
Autocarro pontieri - bridge engineers truck
Autocarro tattico - tactical vehicle (modern)
Autocisterna - liquid trasport truck
Autofurgone - light closed truck (modern)
Autogru - truck mounted crane (modern)
Automitragliatrice - truck mounted MG (WWI)
Automobile corazzata - protected civilian car
Autovettura - car
Autovettura da Ricognizione - recon car (modern)
Camionetta - Jeep (modern)
Carro Anfibio - Anphibious Tank (modern)
Carro Armato - Tank
Carro Comando - Command Tank
Carro Gettaponte - Bridge Launcher Tank (Modern)
Carro Gittaponte su scafo - Bridge Launcher Tank on chassis...(modern)
Carro Pioniere su scafo - Engineer Tank on chassis...(modern)
Carro Soccorso e Recupero su scafo - Recovery Tank on chassis...(modern)
Carro Veloce - Fast Tank (WWII)
Corazzata/o/i - armored
Lanciarazzi Semovente Multiplo - Multiple Launcher Rocket System (modern)
Leggero - Light
Locomotore stradale - Road Mover (WWII)
Medio - Medium
Motocarro - three-wheels vehicle (WWII)
Motocarrozzetta - three-wheels truck (WWII)
Motocicletta - Motorcycle
Motocarro Moto - ?
Pesante - Heavy
Semovente - Self Propelled Gun
Semovente controcarri - SP anti-tank
Semicingolato - half-tracked
Trattore - Tractor
Trattrice - Tractor
Veicolo Anfibio Trasporto - Amphibious Transport Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Assalto Anfibio - Amphibious Assault Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Blindato da Combattimento - Light Armored Fighting Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Blindato da Ricognizione - Armored Recon Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Cingolato Blindato Bimodulare - ? what is?
Veicolo Corazzato da Combattimento - Armored Combat Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo d'Attacco Veloce - Fast Attack Craft (modern)
Veicolo Multiruolo - Multirole Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Posto Comando - Command Post Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo da Trasporto e Combattimento - Combat Transport Vehicle (modern)
I would love to make a glossary of Italian military vehicle nomenclature. But it is very confusing.
This is a big list... But we can pick at it in little bits. Or add your own new words and changes. Thank you.
Ambulanza - Ambulance
Autoarticolato per trasporto corazzati -
Autoarticolato portacontainer -
Autoblindo -
Autobus - bus
Autocannone -
Autocarretta -
Autocarro - Car
Autocarro pontieri -
Autocarro tattico - Tactical Car?
Autocisterna -
Autofurgone -
Autogru -
Automitragliatrice -
Automobile corazzata - Armored Autobile
Autovettura -
Autovettura da Ricognizione -
Camionetta - Jeep or van type?
Carro Anfibio - Anphibious Car
Carro Armato -
Carro Comando - Command Car
Carro Gettaponte -
Carro Gittaponte su scafo -
Carro Pioniere su scafo -
Carro Soccorso e Recupero su scafo -
Carro Veloce -
Lanciarazzi Semovente Multiplo -
Leggero - Light
Locomotore stradale -
Medio - Medium
Motocarro - Motorcar
Motocarrozzetta -
Motocicletta - Motorcycle
Motocarro Moto -
Pesante - Heavy
Semovente - Self Propelled Gun?
Semovente controcarri - SP anti-aircraft
Semicingolato -
Trattore - Tractor
Trattrice -
Veicolo Anfibio Trasporto - Amphibious Transport Vehicle
Veicolo Assalto Anfibio - Amphibious Assault Vehicle
Veicolo Blindato da Combattimento -
Veicolo Blindato da Ricognizione -
Veicolo Cingolato Blindato Bimodulare -
Veicolo Corazzato da Combattimento - Armored Combat Vehicle
Veicolo d'Attacco Veloce -
Veicolo Multiruolo - Multirole Vehicle
Veicolo Posto Comando - Command Post Vehicle
Veicolo da Trasporto e Combattimento - Combat Transport Vehicle
posted 20 April 2005 by Michele
A huge task!
Your list includes names from different times (some names used in the past are rare today and names used today were not used in the past, in particular "official" and "burocratic" names) and include not only vehicles!
here you have few simple suggestions for missing translation in your list
(I am not an expert in such military translations..., in particular with modern stuff. )
Note that when you know the meaning of few words (automobile, carro, veicolo, semovente, combattimento, ricognizione, etc.) you can reconstruct the meaning of all:
Autoblindo = Armoured Car
Autocarro = lorry / truck
Automobile (also simply "auto")= Car
Autovettura = Automobile = Car
Autovettura da ricognizione = Recon car (?); Ricognizione = recon.
Carro Armato (complete name, often simply "Carro") = Tank
Carro Comando = command tank
Carro Veloce = fast tank / tankette
Semicingolato = Half-track
Cingolo = track
Cingolato\a : it's an adjective: it means "with tracks".
Trattore = yes, "tractor" (civil use in countryland) but also "prime mover" for artillery.
Corazzato/a : it's an adjective, means "armoured" (in the original menings "with an armour"), for example "nave corazzata", normally only "corazzata" means battleship.
Semovente : it's an adjective and means "self-propelled" (well, in the origin also "automobile" had he same meaning...), "Cannone Semovente" means "self-propelled gun", sometimes only "Semovente" but not official.
Controcarro = Antitank ("contro" means "against" etc.)
[Cannone] Semovente Controcarro = AT SPG.
Blindato\a : it's an adjective, same meaning as "corazzato", so basically it means "armoured".
Combattimento = combat, fighting.
Veicolo = vehicle. Basically, all things with wells and an engine are vehicles: cars, tanks, AC,
Veicolo blindato = armoured vehicle (?) - any vehicle with some armour.
Veicolo blindato da combattimento = Veicolo Corazzato da Combatimento = Combat armoured vehicle (?) - any vehicle with armour and weapons, so that it is fit for combat. So is a tank but can be also an armoured car.
Veicolo blindato da ricognizione = recon armoured vehicle (?) - any vehicle with armour and weapons built for recon. Essentially an armoured car (but in principle it could have tracks).
Lanciarazzi = rocket launcher
(Razzo =rocket)
Lanciarazzi semovente = self-propelled rocket launcher.
Posted 20 April 2005 by Lupo Solitario
well...try. A note, I indicate when term is WWII or modern between brackets...
Ambulanza - Ambulance
Autoarticolato per trasporto corazzati - AFV lorrying vehicle (modern)
Autoarticolato portacontainer - Pallet lorrying vehicle (modern)
Autoblindo - armored car
Autobus - bus
Autocannone - truck mounted cannon (WWII)
Autocarretta - general purpose vehicle (WWII)
Autocarro - truck
Autocarro pontieri - bridge engineers truck
Autocarro tattico - tactical vehicle (modern)
Autocisterna - liquid trasport truck
Autofurgone - light closed truck (modern)
Autogru - truck mounted crane (modern)
Automitragliatrice - truck mounted MG (WWI)
Automobile corazzata - protected civilian car
Autovettura - car
Autovettura da Ricognizione - recon car (modern)
Camionetta - Jeep (modern)
Carro Anfibio - Anphibious Tank (modern)
Carro Armato - Tank
Carro Comando - Command Tank
Carro Gettaponte - Bridge Launcher Tank (Modern)
Carro Gittaponte su scafo - Bridge Launcher Tank on chassis...(modern)
Carro Pioniere su scafo - Engineer Tank on chassis...(modern)
Carro Soccorso e Recupero su scafo - Recovery Tank on chassis...(modern)
Carro Veloce - Fast Tank (WWII)
Corazzata/o/i - armored
Lanciarazzi Semovente Multiplo - Multiple Launcher Rocket System (modern)
Leggero - Light
Locomotore stradale - Road Mover (WWII)
Medio - Medium
Motocarro - three-wheels vehicle (WWII)
Motocarrozzetta - three-wheels truck (WWII)
Motocicletta - Motorcycle
Motocarro Moto - ?
Pesante - Heavy
Semovente - Self Propelled Gun
Semovente controcarri - SP anti-tank
Semicingolato - half-tracked
Trattore - Tractor
Trattrice - Tractor
Veicolo Anfibio Trasporto - Amphibious Transport Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Assalto Anfibio - Amphibious Assault Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Blindato da Combattimento - Light Armored Fighting Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Blindato da Ricognizione - Armored Recon Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Cingolato Blindato Bimodulare - ? what is?
Veicolo Corazzato da Combattimento - Armored Combat Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo d'Attacco Veloce - Fast Attack Craft (modern)
Veicolo Multiruolo - Multirole Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo Posto Comando - Command Post Vehicle (modern)
Veicolo da Trasporto e Combattimento - Combat Transport Vehicle (modern)