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Could the R.A. Perform CAS?


Radio installations for communication and navigation in RA aircraft. Note that Cr.42AS , G.50 bis, MC 200 usually employed in land attack having B5 rx/tx radios(by 1942) is incorrect. These aircraft probably had no rx/tx so the CAS had to be done with signs or just one way communication from land to air like at start of war.

FLe_radio_della_Regia_Aeronautica_II Parte_26]1.jpg
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Staff member
G.50 bis usually employed in land attack is incorrect.

I am not sure what you are trying to say. I am currently in Sweden so don't have access to my library. Many English and, more importantly Italians sources state the G50 was used. If you are stating that the G50 was employed using older methods of controlling CAS, then I would agree. If you are stating that the G50 wasn't used at all, then I disagree.

What the sources state is that the aircraft that were no longer seen as capable of fighting Allied frontline planes were increasing used in ground support/CAS roles. The sources don't state that their employment was exclusively ground support/CAS, but they would be diverted to that role when needed. The gruppi assalto were increasing equipped with Fiat 42 and G50s as their primary aircraft.

Pista! Jeff


I am not sure what you are trying to say. I am currently in Sweden so don't have access to my library. Many English and, more importantly Italians sources state the G50 was used. If you are stating that the G50 was employed using older methods of controlling CAS, then I would agree. If you are stating that the G50 wasn't used at all, then I disagree.

What the sources state is that the aircraft that were no longer seen as capable of fighting Allied frontline planes were increasing used in ground support/CAS roles. The sources don't state that their employment was exclusively ground support/CAS, but they would be diverted to that role when needed. The gruppi assalto were increasing equipped with Fiat 42 and G50s as their primary aircraft.

Pista! Jeff
I was saying that the chart in which says G.50 bis, Cr.42 assalto and MC.200 in 1942 with B5 rx/tx radio is incorrect. That incorrection is noted at bottom of screen shot. So we are in agreement. I made a correction in my post above to be a bit more clear.
Take a look at the attachment, perhaps it will clear up your thoughts about your diatribe on the CAS.... in point 7, this type of intervention by Superamericano was already foreseen (document dated May 1941)


  • documento-185.pdf
    339.4 KB · Views: 145


Staff member
Thank you Maurizio.

Pista! Jeff