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Italian WWII Color Photographs


Staff member
Mon Mar 08, 2004

I'm pinning this post to the top of this particular board. If you have Italian WWII color photos to share, please post them here. Please include source if possible.

Alpino in Soviet Union (Don-Dec 42)


N. Africa somewhere (10 November 1940).


Staff member
Sat Mar 13, 2004

Some other Photos from Storia Controversa della Seconda Guerra Mondiale Volume 1


Hitler and Mussolini


Hitler's visit to Naples. Notice the Nazi and Fascist flag decorations


Staff member
by sergemaster » Mon Mar 15, 2004 7:03 pm
Wow!! Now that is true desolation!! (1ST PIC) I hope the Alpini were better prepared for the cold than the rest of the CSIR were. That is definitly a Carcano 6.5 TS by the way.



by Bearcat » Mon Mar 15, 2004 7:53 pm
dont worry Alpini are the toughest kick@$$ soldiers around haha, even the russians admitted they were the only troops they never really conquered in WW2 out of the hungarians, romanians, germans, and italian regulars-The Bearcat


by sergemaster » Mon Mar 15, 2004 7:59 pm
Thats a roger Bearcat!! Check it out, I posted some new Italian reenactor pics somewhere in one of these forums from the big battle over the weekend. We Kicked butt, the Duce is now avenged!!



by ADOLPHO87 » Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:39 am
Nice pics guys!
Especially that parade!
Do you have any color or coloured photos from the RSI period?


by Barbarigo » Fri Mar 19, 2004 12:01 am
This photo was taken in Milan in December 1944, during tha last official visit of Mussolini.
The photo i recoloured: the tank ws, in the reality, painted by grey- gree and the small lightning on the turret was black, not white.


Staff member
by FB » Fri Mar 19, 2004 12:45 am

Maybe this will be interesting for all of you. I've just found the name on the man of one of the man of the pictures present in this website: it's the Alpino in the picture of the homepage, and the circumstances when the picture was taken.

The Alpino is Mr. Neo Ruffini, Verona Btl, 6th Alpini Regiment, Tridentina Division.

He was the orderly of Lt. Roberto Cacchi, who took the picture.

I found the story at this site, where you will find other beautiful color pictures, all taken by Lt. Cacchi with his Leica with Agfacolor film. He and another Alpini Artillery Lt., Gian Franco Ucelli di Nemi, of the 3rd Alpini Artillery Regiment, Julia Division, took a lot of the most famous pictures about the Alpini in Russia.

Neo Ruffini lost his brother, a Sergente Maggiore of his same unit. They were side by side at the moment, in Postojali, the first of the eleven battles that they had to fight to get home.

When his brother died, Neo was lost and wanted to remain there, near the body of hs brother, killed by a mortar grenade.

Lt. Cacchi tried to convince him to leave, with the good and also with the hard manners but to no avail. So Lt. Cacchi, threw his camera on the snow and came near Neo, saing, ok, I'll stay here with you. I'd rather go home, at least the two of us. Heard this, Neo left his brother and went towards west.

He did it to Italy, when he was later captured by the Germans and brought in Germany in prisony. There he did a lot of different jobs, the last of which, very dangerous, was as a worker repairing the railways, bombed by the Allied. Towards the end of the war he was working on a railway when a bombing action hit the line where hw was. He was wounded and he lost one leg, from the knee down. He was brought to the hospital, where the Allied arrived the day after.

He arrived back home at the begining of 1946.

He fought in the Western Front against France, then in Albania against Greece and in Russia.

The article linked is dated 2002, and at this date he was 82 years old, "alive and kicking".

Lt. Cacchi pictures, were firstly published in Italy by "L'Europeo" magazine, Feb the 8th, 1968.

Best regards


By Webmaster Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:50 pm
From http://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/



by Gian » Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:14 am
Any clue on the identity of this all-black CR.42? Most likely it belonged to a unit assigned to night combat duty. I would say in the Aegean theater of Ops., but I'm not sure.


by freeaswind » Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:33 pm
Gian wrote:Any clue on the identity of this all-black CR.42? Most likely it belonged to a unit assigned to night combat duty. I would say in the Aegean theater of Ops., but I'm not sure.

Sure.It's a CR.42CN with extended flame exhaust damper,I saw this photo in one Aerofan issue,the caption says it's a 13th batch CR.42 modified to night fighter but doesn't give its unit.In Aegean theatre there were two night fighter sections,in Leros and Gadurra respectively,so it's possible the picture took there.


by Gian » Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:17 am
Some wartime color pictures of Bf109's in different markings:



Staff member
by Bandiera » Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:47 am
Some nice pictures in colour :

Members of the crew of an Italian bomber.


Benito Mussolini and general Ugo Cavallero during the Albanian campain.

(Both pics from : "The Second World War" - Lekturama).


by JulioMoc » Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:16 am
Awesome pics!

The one with the bomber crew I've never seen before! Could anyone identify the bomber, place or date by that drawing?


by Gian » Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:55 am
JulioMoc wrote:Awesome pics!

The one with the bomber crew I've never seen before! Could anyone identify the bomber, place or date by that drawing?
I've seen it before and I can tell you that the bomber is a BR.20 photographed in Belgium (Battle of Britain) in Autumn 1940.


by Bandiera » Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:10 am
Gian wrote:
JulioMoc wrote:Awesome pics!

The one with the bomber crew I've never seen before! Could anyone identify the bomber, place or date by that drawing?
I've seen it before and I can tell you that the bomber is a BR.20 photographed in Belgium (Battle of Britain) in Autumn 1940

I think you're right.
I've found some other information about this picture and also a second picture of the crew.
The commentary was written in the German periodical "Signaal" in February 1941. The pictures were photographed in Belgium at Melsbroek on November 20, 1940.

Captain Bassi, commander of the 3rd Squadriglia, returns of the mission, called "Pirata".
From left to right : Serg. Magg. Acerbi, Serg. Arm Lops (in the doorway), Mllo. Bruni (with moustache) en Cap. Bassi.

Like the Germans did, the Italians preferred painting Walt Disney pictures on their planes. Maybe is their plane a Cicogna BR 20 "La Torbida", as Gian wrote.

Look at the second picture where Bassi and Bruni have a smoke with a technician.

(From : Belgium During The War - Corpo Aero Italiano - Cynrik De Decker).


Staff member
by JulioMoc » Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:34 am
3ª Squadriglia belonged to 13º or 43º Stormo? In which Gruppo?


by Gian » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:08 am
Like the Germans did, the Italians preferred painting Walt Disney pictures on their planes. Maybe is their plane a Cicogna BR 20 "La Torbida", as Gian wrote.
I first saw the pic in La Regia Aeronautica nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Delta)
By the way, Adolf Galland was also famous for his "Mickey Mouse" noseart.


by Bandiera » Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:19 am
JulioMoc wrote:3ª Squadriglia belonged to 13º or 43º Stormo? In which Gruppo?
As far as I know, the 3rd Squadriglia belonged to the 43th Gruppo of the 13th Stormo Bombardiere Terrestre (Colonello Carlo de Capoa) at Melsbroek (Belgium) base Dedalo.


by Bandiera » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:21 am
Some other beautiful pics from Melsbroek during the campain of the CAI late 1940 :

Melsbroek : a BR.20 is allowed to take off. Look at the squadriglia marks : they are overpainted (I wonder why ? Censor propaganda ?).


Just having a talk with their German friends of a 20 mm. AA Flak.


Winter in Belgium, Flanders : the Fiat engines had to be warmed up before taking off ...
(From : Belgium During The War - Corpo Aero Italiano - Cynrik De Decker).


Staff member
by inhocsignovinces » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:28 am

Macchi C.205








Staff member
by inhocsignovinces » Sat May 05, 2007 1:23 am
The Pilot Aramis Ammannato and his Bf110


by Ardee » Fri May 02, 2008 1:12 pm
Is it me, or does there seem to be a disproportionately high number of aircraft photos in this thread?


by inhocsignovinces » Wed May 28, 2008 11:10 pm
Caproni 311

Fiat G12

Piaggio P.108

Fiat RS14


Staff member
by inhocsignovinces » Wed May 28, 2008 11:22 pm

CantZ506-RA 31f.jpg


Italian soldiers in Russia.


by Ardee » Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:54 pm
I won't claim to know who's correct -- everybody seems pretty-well bundled up, making uniform id difficult -- another site identifies the previous picture to one of Hungarian soldiers. The rifle on the nearest soldier *could* certainly be Hungarian....or the Carcano long rifle.


by Toledo » Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:09 am





Staff member
by inhocsignovinces » Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:45 am
From http://www.eagle42.eu
Me 109 sq365-1,del Caposquadriglia Ten. Giuseppe Gianelli,

Sciacca, giugno1943

North Africa 1941, a 75/27 Gun

North Africa 1941, Breda 20mm AA


by JulioMoc » Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:34 am
Wonderful! Never seen those before!


by david » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:55 am
Yes, very good!


by inhocsignovinces » Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:39 pm

A small Italian submarine (Caproni CB) in a harbour on the Crimea peninsula/Ukraine, 1942. (Bundesarchiv, N 1603 Bild-289)
N 1603 Bild-289.jpeg

Soldiers of the 8th Bersaglieri Regiment with captured submachine guns (Thompson model 1928) after the Battle of Gazala (1942).


Staff member
Found this excellent color photograph of an Italian partisan in Florence. The image was taken 14 August 1944.