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Italy’s war aims and expected length of conflict


New Member
I often come across references to documents which state that Italy had only prepared to fight for a few months. One such is a British document-Weekly Intelligence report number 14 (June 1940) which states that the based upon a report written by Admiral Cavagnari ,the expected duration was three months. The USMM however deny that the Admiral ever wrote it. This is all in a Royal Navy Staff History written in the 1950s. I therefore ask you all here what were Italy’s war aims and how long did they think that it would take to accomplish them?


Sitting at peace conference in September 1940 in which they will ask some pieces of France like Nice(Nizza) or Tunisia(French Colony).

Mussolini was probably loosing faculties, he never saw Hitler for an addict gambler.


Staff member
This is a trick question.... ;)

There are many documents that clearly state that Italy wasn't planning for war until 1942/43. Even with this understanding, Mussolini hadn't articulated any goals for war at that time. Most people look to his statement made in his 10 June 1940 declaration of war which spoke of...

We take up arms to resolve, after having resolved the problem of our continental frontiers, the problem of our maritime borders; we want to break the territorial chains that suffocate us in our sea, since a population of forty-five million souls is not truly free if it does not have free access to the ocean.

... but no military planning to achieve these goals was initiated. Mussolini issued his war guidance in a secret letter dated 31 March 1940 but delivered on 6 April which placed Italy on the defense on all fronts. Only an invasion of Yugoslavia was mentioned, but then only if favorable conditions arose (no plans were ordered for actions to create those favorable conditions). The decision to go to war on 10 June was made in haste and based on the belief that Germany would win. His 'goal' at the time was to be at the peace talks.

It is only at the end of June 1940 that Mussolini began to accept that the war would continue. Even then no long term plan was developed. What followed until September 1943 was a series of 'spur of the moment' decisions initiating actions that weren't tied to any long-term national strategy.

There were documents stating that the nation only had the resources to fight for three-six months.

Pista! Jeff
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Staff member

The trick question comment was an attempt at humor (hence the smiley face). It wasn't a serious statement. :)

Not even the Italians knew what their war aims were or how long it would take to accomplish them. With all the planning comments stating that Italy would be ready to wage war in 1942/43, no statements were ever made on why they felt they needed to go to war in 1942/43 and what it would accomplish. Mussolini argued that Italy was being diss'ed by the other powers, but I have always believed all of that was more posturing to maintain power rather than a serious plan. Everything was based on opportunity to gain something cheaply rather than a careful long-term strategy to achieve an aim.

The only serious (IMHO) long-term Italian strategy was to remain neutral and try to be the European power broker. This ended in June 1940.
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A great emotional impact had the Royal Navy controlling of Italian merchants.

Nevertheless due to energy situation Italy had to choose a side. It could not remain neutral if the war extended to late 1940-41
Mussolini choice was premature.