Posted 08 March 2012 - 04:03 PM by nmao
Trying to make sense of my notes. it seems i have almost no idea how many (bersaglieri) companies were in Libya.
This is one possible list (full of errors i'm sure):
21st (XXI corps)
22nd (XXII corps)
60th (Sabratha?)
later three formed a provisional bersaglieri m/c bn for the Brigata Coazzata Speciale (60th, 201st and 202nd coys)
Can anyone help?
-Nuno Oliveira
Posted 08 March 2012 - 09:31 PM by Dili
I only have 201,202,203 but i have not made much search in that topic.
PS:i'm interested in the period June 1940-February 1941 (excludes Ariete, etc.)
Posted 09 March 2012 - 03:15 PM by nmao
I'm going to reply to my own topic
XXIII (23) Corps (CCNN) has 23.a Squadriglia Autoblindo (no motociclisti there)
XXII (22) Corps i've seen some references to 22.a compagnia bersaglieri motociclisti
XXI (21) Corps i have 21.a compagnia bersaglieri motociclisti
Sabratha - 60th Bersaglieri m/c coy (did it exist or only planned?)
Sirte division - 61st Bersaglieri m/c coy (did it exist or only planned?)
Cirene - i've never seen an hypothetical 62nd...
Catanzaro - very doubtful since its late constitution and weaker equipment (no L3 bat, etc)
201, 202 and 203 Bersaglieri m/c coy (independent units?, the numbers remind of CCNN units...)
provisional bersaglieri m/c bn for the Brigata Coazzata Speciale (60th, 201st and 202nd coys)
I believe these are all the references i could find... maybe there was some renumbering?
Did they exist in June 1940? Any reinforcements during this period?
in this site:
is listed a total of 3 Compagnie Bersaglieri Motociclisti
any help is appreciated
-Nuno Oliveira
Posted 09 March 2012 - 10:57 PM by Dili
I have 201,202,203 as the Corps Motociclisti recon.
Posted 11 March 2012 - 12:32 PM by david
OK. Let's see if my input helps, or just "muddies the water"!
21. Yes, With 21 Corpo.
22. Yes, With 22 Corpo.
60. Yes, But I can't place it until November 1940 with Provisional Bersaglieri Battalion.
61. ???
62. ???
63. ???
64. Yes (see 3 posts below)
201. Yes, But I can't place it until November 1940 with Provisional Bersaglieri Battalion.
202. Yes, But I can't place it until November 1940 with Provisional Bersaglieri Battalion.
203. Yes (Although I didn't have it, others did)
6x Compagnia. 3 within XXV Battalion, 10th Regiment. & 3 within XVI Battalion, 10th Regiment.
Posted 11 March 2012 - 10:17 PM by Dili
I have 10th Regiment as ciclisti and was in Italy- Sicily until September 40. It is motorized in meantime and arrives in Africa about that time.
Posted 12 March 2012 - 07:16 AM by david
In my notes, I have the 10th as in North Africa before 10th June 1940. It would appear that my notes are wrong!
Also, can anyone confirm or deny the existence of 61st, 62nd, 63rd?
Posted 12 March 2012 - 06:48 PM by dicassette2000
Catanzaro division have its motorcicle coy (64???? in official documents stated with "Catanzaro motorcicle coy"). On 1st december 1940 its was at Bir Oasi, on 9-10 december 1940 it was with 1st "Scaglione" (HQ Force), on 11/12/1940 (going Sollum) with 3rd "Scaglione", on 11/12/1940 (Bir Tishida battle) divisional "Fronte sud", lost on this battle......
All the best
Posted 19 April 2012 - 09:16 AM by david
I have seen a 2nd Compagnia Bersaglieri Motorcyclisti listed as a XX Corpo asset.
I wonder if this is true, or just a typo?
As a reminder, we are still seeking confirmation for 61st, 62nd & 63rd Compagnia.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:45 AM by david
Anyone got anything on the 2nd Compagnia with XX Corpo?
Posted 23 September 2013 - 12:30 PM by dicassette2000
No 2nd motorcicle coy never assigned to this Corp...phreaps 2.a compagnia of one bersaglieri battalion assigned to it that despached it's
2nd (moto) coys to Corp Hq????????
All the best
Posted 23 September 2013 - 07:12 PM by david
I am also looking for the location on 10th June 1940 for the following Compagnia Bersaglieri Motorcyclisti......
Trying to make sense of my notes. it seems i have almost no idea how many (bersaglieri) companies were in Libya.
This is one possible list (full of errors i'm sure):
21st (XXI corps)
22nd (XXII corps)
60th (Sabratha?)
later three formed a provisional bersaglieri m/c bn for the Brigata Coazzata Speciale (60th, 201st and 202nd coys)
Can anyone help?
-Nuno Oliveira
Posted 08 March 2012 - 09:31 PM by Dili
I only have 201,202,203 but i have not made much search in that topic.
PS:i'm interested in the period June 1940-February 1941 (excludes Ariete, etc.)
Posted 09 March 2012 - 03:15 PM by nmao
I'm going to reply to my own topic

XXIII (23) Corps (CCNN) has 23.a Squadriglia Autoblindo (no motociclisti there)
XXII (22) Corps i've seen some references to 22.a compagnia bersaglieri motociclisti
XXI (21) Corps i have 21.a compagnia bersaglieri motociclisti
Sabratha - 60th Bersaglieri m/c coy (did it exist or only planned?)
Sirte division - 61st Bersaglieri m/c coy (did it exist or only planned?)
Cirene - i've never seen an hypothetical 62nd...
Catanzaro - very doubtful since its late constitution and weaker equipment (no L3 bat, etc)
201, 202 and 203 Bersaglieri m/c coy (independent units?, the numbers remind of CCNN units...)
provisional bersaglieri m/c bn for the Brigata Coazzata Speciale (60th, 201st and 202nd coys)
I believe these are all the references i could find... maybe there was some renumbering?
Did they exist in June 1940? Any reinforcements during this period?
in this site:
is listed a total of 3 Compagnie Bersaglieri Motociclisti
any help is appreciated

-Nuno Oliveira
Posted 09 March 2012 - 10:57 PM by Dili
I have 201,202,203 as the Corps Motociclisti recon.
Posted 11 March 2012 - 12:32 PM by david
OK. Let's see if my input helps, or just "muddies the water"!
21. Yes, With 21 Corpo.
22. Yes, With 22 Corpo.
60. Yes, But I can't place it until November 1940 with Provisional Bersaglieri Battalion.
61. ???
62. ???
63. ???
64. Yes (see 3 posts below)
201. Yes, But I can't place it until November 1940 with Provisional Bersaglieri Battalion.
202. Yes, But I can't place it until November 1940 with Provisional Bersaglieri Battalion.
203. Yes (Although I didn't have it, others did)
6x Compagnia. 3 within XXV Battalion, 10th Regiment. & 3 within XVI Battalion, 10th Regiment.
Posted 11 March 2012 - 10:17 PM by Dili
I have 10th Regiment as ciclisti and was in Italy- Sicily until September 40. It is motorized in meantime and arrives in Africa about that time.
Posted 12 March 2012 - 07:16 AM by david
In my notes, I have the 10th as in North Africa before 10th June 1940. It would appear that my notes are wrong!
Also, can anyone confirm or deny the existence of 61st, 62nd, 63rd?
Posted 12 March 2012 - 06:48 PM by dicassette2000
Catanzaro division have its motorcicle coy (64???? in official documents stated with "Catanzaro motorcicle coy"). On 1st december 1940 its was at Bir Oasi, on 9-10 december 1940 it was with 1st "Scaglione" (HQ Force), on 11/12/1940 (going Sollum) with 3rd "Scaglione", on 11/12/1940 (Bir Tishida battle) divisional "Fronte sud", lost on this battle......
All the best
Posted 19 April 2012 - 09:16 AM by david
I have seen a 2nd Compagnia Bersaglieri Motorcyclisti listed as a XX Corpo asset.
I wonder if this is true, or just a typo?
As a reminder, we are still seeking confirmation for 61st, 62nd & 63rd Compagnia.
Posted 20 September 2013 - 10:45 AM by david
Anyone got anything on the 2nd Compagnia with XX Corpo?
Posted 23 September 2013 - 12:30 PM by dicassette2000
No 2nd motorcicle coy never assigned to this Corp...phreaps 2.a compagnia of one bersaglieri battalion assigned to it that despached it's
2nd (moto) coys to Corp Hq????????
All the best
Posted 23 September 2013 - 07:12 PM by david
I am also looking for the location on 10th June 1940 for the following Compagnia Bersaglieri Motorcyclisti......