The file was opened in January this year.
The first document is SIM agent Lt. Mario Scopinich's undated interrogation report:
Having left the submarine we reached land after four hours extremely tiring paddling, because every now and then we had to bale out the rubber boat which let water in, and I was afraid that it would ruin the W/T [Wireless Telegraphy] set. We reached land near the railway line, at about 3 Km north of FANO. After destroying the rubber boat we struck immediately inland across country, and at about 9:00 in the morning we found hospitality in a little country house belonging to a certain MEI [?] at BORGO S. BACIO (PESARO).
He later admitted that there were other agents on board.
Antonio Ercolino's report mentions an MTB.
This man was a member of a group of five Italians who were landed on the MARCHE coast in January 1944. Caught with one of his companions soon after landing, subject had to abandon his mission, and being released within a few hours of being captured, subject went to MILAN with his companion.
PART II – Subject’s story on Op. ABERYSTWYTH
26 Jan 44.
Subject states that the operation took place on the night of 29 Jan 44. According to records in our possession it actually took place on the 26 Jan 44. Subject states that they were landed at about 2100 hours by MTB [Motor Torpedo Boat] near PORTO CIVITANOVA. There were five of them, but subject can only remember the name of only one companion, a certain DI COSTANZO. Their task was to sabotage the railway line, and subject and his companion DI COSTANZO (whom he had met about one month previously at TARANTO) were to attack the IESI-ROME railway line near CHIARAVALLE.
By all means move the post elsewhere.