40 more XIV corpo defence information, tech drawings and booklets for fortifications
41 maps of sicilia 1943 with various military information changes, XIV artillery dispositions and calibres Jan 1940
defencee plans of XI Corps Udine for XVII,XXI,XXII seettore GAF with troop locations etc Nov40-Jan41
more eastern dfence information
42 More XIV defences, now per sbarramento, but includes also maps
Treviso territorial zone 43 new methods of combat
43 Eastern Italy defences, Celere corps mobilization plans. map showing strong points in Italy-Austrian border, OOB Treviso Sep43
44 more specific Eastern and NE defences by sbarramenti
45 defence systems of Brennero, Carnia, Tarvisiano, Drava
fortifications study with german visit, data on French, German and Czech fortifications
46 More Treviso defence related docs
47 More treviso defence related, Directives of Fortification construction with tech drawings
48 directives on road constr. sitation maps and arament requests for fortifications
49 Eastern border, VI Corps artillery deplyment, maps, mobilization
50 Puglie Div - offensive and defensive studies , eastern border
Marche Div - idem
51 FF AA Slovenia.Dalmazia jan-Dec42 -Italian diispositions, projects for Cattaro, , partisan airfields, locations of Italian forces
2 Armata desciption of airfields used by Italians in Yugoslavia, maps and charts showing location units
52 Demarcation line between Italians and gernas in Yugo, anti partisan activity
53 Croat state, Chetcnik, Ustacha, develop in Partisan warfare. Yugo Occupation questions, political issues
54 continuation of 54 , defence of Adriatic coast, maps etc, TOE squadre servizi, More on coastal defences in Yugoslavia
55 Coastal defence of Cattaro, Trieste, more Yugo coastal defences. rail defence in yugo, Ustachas, Croatia
56 demarcation GER-ITA, Yugo maps monografias . defence line of Zara Sebenico
57 conventional termsn Italian Navy and 2 Armata in Yugo, tech manuals, code manuals
58 ustachas, anti partisan ops, Italo-Croat combined ops
59 combats against partisans, 6 Regg bersa in yugo, military organisation on Yugo conquered territories, situation maps V Corpo
diverse anti partisan operational reports
60 freindly fire of 39 Gruppo against german troops in Yugo, various anti partisan, Fiume defences
61 Italy Croat anti partisan, combat in Yugoslavia against partisans, Raggr tattico "Montana" CCNN, Defences of Lubiana
62 More Slovenia-Dalmazia ops, OOBs , Maps
63 More Slovenia-Dalmazia ops, OOBs , Maps
64 More Slovenia-Dalmazia ops, OOBs , Maps, some aerocooperation texts, sebenico defences, Perugia Div ciclist bn bad idea.Bergamo Div operations, Croat anti communist forces, Ita Gov conflict with General Armellini
65 Bosnia operations, Chetniks, Change of 2 Armata into CS Forze Armate Slovenia-Dalmazia, V and VI Corpo, Ploca harbour and exploitation of Bauxite and other mineral reosurces by Germans
maps showing strengh and location of partisan units in Bosnia and Ragusa, Motonave abbazia and german unit in Italian slovenia, 2 armata to XI corpo nd anti part, in Slovenia
66 Use of croats ustachas guarding railways, anti partisan. Ustacha results and cetnik ita cooperation, Operation Trio anti partisan,
67 Taurinense, Pusteria , Kampgruppe Bader, VI Corpo and air units for op in Southern Dalamazia and S.Bosnia
68 Military events 14-20 May 42 in Yugo, Ustacha crimes, troops location for next anti partisan op,, more . Consolidated reports on Yugo mil situation
69 Yugo incidents Jul-Dec42