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70 Maps indicating railroada capabilities in Yugo and NE Italy 1937., Operation bader against partisans in Bosnia, List of regia Aeronautica in Yugoslavia April 1942, Strengh and location of Croat units 10 April 42
Op cacciatori dell Alpi, in Herzegovina, Pusteria in Bosnia, Taurinense and small units, maps and diagrams
71 2 Armata anti partisan. Albania port improvemnts with maps 1940, 3 Armata Plans agaisnt France, offensive against Corfu amd Greece with presumed disposition of Greek units. road network study of Albania-Yugo and Italy -Yugo
plan against Yugo with supposed positions of Yugo units
3 Armata study of Socilia and Sardegna defence including economic, Siena div coastal defences on Camapania July 40. - some plans are old and obsolete
72 5 Armata Diario storico - April-sept 42, Jan-July43 with data on Corsica and OOB
73 5 Armata 1943 including coastal defence Firenze, aerial support, coastal defence of Sicily, lessons learnt from Pantellaria fall, map of Corsica , Central Italy defences, anti parachute
74 5 Armata troops locations, Org chart for German 16th Panzer Div, Defences of La Spezia and others in Toscania
75 5 Armata defences of Lazio. maps with batteries location of units, fortifs,
76 5 Armata air raids in its area, military news etc
77 5 Armata air raids in its area and damages
78 5 Armata Oct41-Dec42 Elba defences, Improvement of Coastal defences, dismantling of industries and reassenbly, harbour installations drawings
Radio for Toscania coastal defences, June -Aug 43 defence of Lazio 5 Armata vs Campania 7 Armata location of units in Lazio coast maps. Monografia of Lazio-Toscania defences
Plan for defence of Southern Italay and also Sicilia and Sardegna, Pland of defences and unit location of 220 Coastal div., Plan of 111 Regg Costiero defence of Nettuno area, unit location in Sept42
Defence plan of 152 Regg costiero Civitavecchia area, plan of defence of LIvorno port and S. Stefano , also how to destroy it, diagrams of mines placaments and defences and harbour instalations
Defence against Commandos in Livorno area, analyses of British operations
79 Defence of Fronte a Terra Livorno, including placement of batteries, Number and naming of fsoticications in Sardegna Oct42-Feb43, 2 maps location units and batteries
Use of large mobile units in Lazio area, map with location of said units
Armamento Fronte a Terra. La Spezia, Livorno , Piombino and Eastern Elba, 3 maps with past present and future dispositions
Piazza maritima defences - La Spezia e La Maddalena, maps
5 Armata designations of coastal defences, anti commando , observation posts in 5 Armata area
Strong points maps of Central Italy, Sardegna, Elba, laying mines and allocation of armament to said naval bases
Formation of nuclei celeri - motorized and bycicle in coastal areas, List of naval semaphore stations, coastal observation
Defence of minor islands in 5 Armata area - near Sardegna, Ponza, Elba, Maps of battieries and units in those islands
Esigenza T cooperation between 3 Squadra Aerea and 5 Armata Oct 41 in coastal defences and sloc protection
5 Armata defesa della isole Pontine, Use of Air detection network for anti coastal proposes, maps indicating posts of observation to detect air attacks in 5 Armata area
Coastal defenses of minor islands in 5 Armata zone, maps of batteries
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80 5 Armata more coastal defences, 8 maps of N-central Italy showing units locations and their territorial limit, use of Nembo div. in emergency
use of Bari div. for coastal def, with a map of Livorno area, Dec 42 maps of coastal defences from La Spezia to Orbetello
Misc. Maps Toscania, Livorno. Lazio. situation maps for Toscania August Sept43 II Corpo with also Cosseria and Ravenna Divs
81 5 Armata cont. II Corpo with also Cosseria and Ravenna Divs cont., XVII Corpo -Lazio plans for coastal defences, possible airports locations etc, maps
locations of XVII Corpo units, formation of Corpo Armata Motocorazzata with units mostly from XVII Corpo July 43; Malaria danger in Lazio
Plan for Livorno Div movement with vehicles Febr 42, Plan of XVII Corpo for use of large reserve of units in Lazio defences Jan 42
7 Armata -location and organisation by settori, maps 5 Armata ant parachutist. Mar 42 evaluation of Lazio defences
Lazio defences April 43 with map.. requistion of bicycles for nuclei celeri, artillery aquisition types, man power for cemented fortifications
82 Situation of XVII Corpo with maps Jun42-Jul43. 5 Armata Maps with location of units in Toscania, Lazio Sardegna and Corsica Jan43
Plan of coastal defences in 5 Armata Industrial plants, railroad stations, mines to be protected by XVII Corpo; anti para
Protection of Artistic and cultural treasures, defence of Livorno breakwater
June 42 - plan of Toscania defences, study of coastline Jan-Mar43 - transfer of Piave Mot.Div into 5 Armata, maps of Armata units locations
5 Armata Pistoia Div, TOE, Div. Atotransport. Piacenza in XVII corpo arrival, Sassari Div from Croatia to Toscania and then to Lazio
Bari div from Livorno to Lazio, and from there to Sardegna, TOE. Messges concerning mov. Granatieri di Sardegna from N.Italy to Rome
83 Div Nembo- map with some units in Sardegna and otehr discussion concerning this division
Transfer Livorno units into Sicilia and otehr smaller units from 5 Armata. 5 Armata discussion oin coastal defences
5 Armata maps Situation rports from VII Toscania, XIII Corsica and XVII Corps Sardegna
84 Situation rports from VII Toscania, XIII Corsica and XVII Corps Sardegna cont., 5 Armata OOB
85 Colletion Maps of Lazio, Toscania and Sardegna, with units. Also Fiat Plant in Lucca., 5 Armata several procedures for defense and , batteries available, observation of submarines,
defense of La Spezie, defences in Tevere river mouth, Pescara etc
Discussion of communications systems in 5 Armata with charts including all Italy, lists of 5 Armata Generals
10 Reggimento Arditi and its eventual use in Sardegna and Sicilia invasion, plans and records concerning defences
Defences of Civitavecchia Maps of defences in San Stefano area, batteries etc
86 5 Armata and Gruppo Armate Sud post Husky, discussion of vehicles that escaped Sicilia - also german takeover
Popular instability and incidents August 43 : vehicles of Rovigo Div and list of units in Alpi Graie Div
Report of 2 Celere Div in Croatia from 4Oct-14 Nov 41
Lupi di Toscana movement from Puglia to Civtavecchia, list of units
Messages XVII Corpo and 5 Armata related to obstruction of Tevere river, movement of comando 5 Armata and coms issues
List of industrial plants, railheads and other installations to be sabotaged in event of an invasion in 5 Armata
Map indicating the most probable zones for invasion.
Plans for defences of bridges and eletrical prodution plants
Translation of Documetns captured in Egypt-Lybian border Jan-Febr 1942
Information on Eritreia campaign and alos North Africa before WW2
87 Continuation of last item in 86 - to confirm
88 5 Armata reports on German movements
89 Charst , maps of German units in 5 Armata area. Locations of German units in summer 1943
90 Armata del Po 1939, locations etc
5 Armata relations with Air Force and Navy in Sardegna and Corsica, maps showing location of ships, airbases etc
May 42, 7 maps of Sardegna XIII corps with batteries obs. postsand units.
Searchlight stations and units of XIII Corps
More maps of Corsica and Sardegna and communication systems
More about Sardegna and also defense of Cagliari naval base.
91 XIII Corpo fotifications work and many more items related. Defence of airports in Sardegna
Industrial plants to be protected and defence against paras including some boat units
Comms in Sardegna and Sardegna and Italy
92 Fronte a Terra La Maddalena
Ceded German guns to be installed in Sardegna
Organisation of Oristano defences and charts and maps of Sardegna command
GAV units and use of civlians for Sardegan defences
Employment of German assault brigade in Sardegna
Naval plan of La Maddalena defences, defences of Cagliari against naval invasion
Plan for defence os Sardegna with German advice, plan for defence of Olbia charts and mpas with units in Sardegna
93 XIII Corpo necessary troops for defence of Sardegna
7 Armata memo on coatsal defences with information on Puglia-Abruzzo, Campania, lazio and Sardegna
Project role of aviation on Sardegna defences
Reinforcemnts for Sardegna and Corsica, XIII Corpo defences agisnt Commandos
Militia units in Sardegna
Defence of airports XIII Corpo, VII Corpo
Defences of Corsica, VII Corpo situation, much more on Corsica OOB on VII Corsica with maps
94 Defensive works in Corsica, maps batteries , units
Nembo and carabinieri reale units for corsica, 5 Armata advice against German Reichfuhrer SS brigade in Corsica
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