70 Maps indicating railroada capabilities in Yugo and NE Italy 1937., Operation bader against partisans in Bosnia, List of regia Aeronautica in Yugoslavia April 1942, Strengh and location of Croat units 10 April 42
Op cacciatori dell Alpi, in Herzegovina, Pusteria in Bosnia, Taurinense and small units, maps and diagrams
71 2 Armata anti partisan. Albania port improvemnts with maps 1940, 3 Armata Plans agaisnt France, offensive against Corfu amd Greece with presumed disposition of Greek units. road network study of Albania-Yugo and Italy -Yugo
plan against Yugo with supposed positions of Yugo units
3 Armata study of Socilia and Sardegna defence including economic, Siena div coastal defences on Camapania July 40. - some plans are old and obsolete
72 5 Armata Diario storico - April-sept 42, Jan-July43 with data on Corsica and OOB
73 5 Armata 1943 including coastal defence Firenze, aerial support, coastal defence of Sicily, lessons learnt from Pantellaria fall, map of Corsica , Central Italy defences, anti parachute
74 5 Armata troops locations, Org chart for German 16th Panzer Div, Defences of La Spezia and others in Toscania
75 5 Armata defences of Lazio. maps with batteries location of units, fortifs,
76 5 Armata air raids in its area, military news etc
77 5 Armata air raids in its area and damages
78 5 Armata Oct41-Dec42 Elba defences, Improvement of Coastal defences, dismantling of industries and reassenbly, harbour installations drawings
Radio for Toscania coastal defences, June -Aug 43 defence of Lazio 5 Armata vs Campania 7 Armata location of units in Lazio coast maps. Monografia of Lazio-Toscania defences
Plan for defence of Southern Italay and also Sicilia and Sardegna, Pland of defences and unit location of 220 Coastal div., Plan of 111 Regg Costiero defence of Nettuno area, unit location in Sept42
Defence plan of 152 Regg costiero Civitavecchia area, plan of defence of LIvorno port and S. Stefano , also how to destroy it, diagrams of mines placaments and defences and harbour instalations
Defence against Commandos in Livorno area, analyses of British operations
79 Defence of Fronte a Terra Livorno, including placement of batteries, Number and naming of fsoticications in Sardegna Oct42-Feb43, 2 maps location units and batteries
Use of large mobile units in Lazio area, map with location of said units
Armamento Fronte a Terra. La Spezia, Livorno , Piombino and Eastern Elba, 3 maps with past present and future dispositions
Piazza maritima defences - La Spezia e La Maddalena, maps
5 Armata designations of coastal defences, anti commando , observation posts in 5 Armata area
Strong points maps of Central Italy, Sardegna, Elba, laying mines and allocation of armament to said naval bases
Formation of nuclei celeri - motorized and bycicle in coastal areas, List of naval semaphore stations, coastal observation
Defence of minor islands in 5 Armata area - near Sardegna, Ponza, Elba, Maps of battieries and units in those islands
Esigenza T cooperation between 3 Squadra Aerea and 5 Armata Oct 41 in coastal defences and sloc protection
5 Armata defesa della isole Pontine, Use of Air detection network for anti coastal proposes, maps indicating posts of observation to detect air attacks in 5 Armata area
Coastal defenses of minor islands in 5 Armata zone, maps of batteries
Op cacciatori dell Alpi, in Herzegovina, Pusteria in Bosnia, Taurinense and small units, maps and diagrams
71 2 Armata anti partisan. Albania port improvemnts with maps 1940, 3 Armata Plans agaisnt France, offensive against Corfu amd Greece with presumed disposition of Greek units. road network study of Albania-Yugo and Italy -Yugo
plan against Yugo with supposed positions of Yugo units
3 Armata study of Socilia and Sardegna defence including economic, Siena div coastal defences on Camapania July 40. - some plans are old and obsolete
72 5 Armata Diario storico - April-sept 42, Jan-July43 with data on Corsica and OOB
73 5 Armata 1943 including coastal defence Firenze, aerial support, coastal defence of Sicily, lessons learnt from Pantellaria fall, map of Corsica , Central Italy defences, anti parachute
74 5 Armata troops locations, Org chart for German 16th Panzer Div, Defences of La Spezia and others in Toscania
75 5 Armata defences of Lazio. maps with batteries location of units, fortifs,
76 5 Armata air raids in its area, military news etc
77 5 Armata air raids in its area and damages
78 5 Armata Oct41-Dec42 Elba defences, Improvement of Coastal defences, dismantling of industries and reassenbly, harbour installations drawings
Radio for Toscania coastal defences, June -Aug 43 defence of Lazio 5 Armata vs Campania 7 Armata location of units in Lazio coast maps. Monografia of Lazio-Toscania defences
Plan for defence of Southern Italay and also Sicilia and Sardegna, Pland of defences and unit location of 220 Coastal div., Plan of 111 Regg Costiero defence of Nettuno area, unit location in Sept42
Defence plan of 152 Regg costiero Civitavecchia area, plan of defence of LIvorno port and S. Stefano , also how to destroy it, diagrams of mines placaments and defences and harbour instalations
Defence against Commandos in Livorno area, analyses of British operations
79 Defence of Fronte a Terra Livorno, including placement of batteries, Number and naming of fsoticications in Sardegna Oct42-Feb43, 2 maps location units and batteries
Use of large mobile units in Lazio area, map with location of said units
Armamento Fronte a Terra. La Spezia, Livorno , Piombino and Eastern Elba, 3 maps with past present and future dispositions
Piazza maritima defences - La Spezia e La Maddalena, maps
5 Armata designations of coastal defences, anti commando , observation posts in 5 Armata area
Strong points maps of Central Italy, Sardegna, Elba, laying mines and allocation of armament to said naval bases
Formation of nuclei celeri - motorized and bycicle in coastal areas, List of naval semaphore stations, coastal observation
Defence of minor islands in 5 Armata area - near Sardegna, Ponza, Elba, Maps of battieries and units in those islands
Esigenza T cooperation between 3 Squadra Aerea and 5 Armata Oct 41 in coastal defences and sloc protection
5 Armata defesa della isole Pontine, Use of Air detection network for anti coastal proposes, maps indicating posts of observation to detect air attacks in 5 Armata area
Coastal defenses of minor islands in 5 Armata zone, maps of batteries