Dili posted on 30 July 2015
I am following this thread over on the Axis History Forum.
I have got the consent of the poster to paste the articles here for you to all enjoy.
[jwsleser - the diary was posted in a series of posts between 30 June and 10 August 2015. I have combined the posts for simplicity.]
The battalion was constituted on November 15, 1940. Organization:
Ten. Col. IEZZI Emilio
S. Ten. FERRARA Mario
S. Ten. PENDIBENE Giovanni
S, Ten. Med. DE NEGRI
Cap.no MUSSO Ettore
Ten. RAP Aldo
S. Ten. PUGLISI Salvatore
S. Ten. RENIER Paolo
S. Ten. ORSI Luigi
S. Ten. GIRARDI Michele
S. Ten. CONELLI Diego
S. Ten. TESTORI Eugenio
T. MARCONE Vittorio
S. Ten. LOBINA Luigi
S. Ten. PICCOLI Mario
S. Ten. CRESCINI Giuseppe
S. Ten. FABI Ugo
November 30: Departure from Verona. Headquarters of the 32nd Tank Regiment.
December 1: Arrival in Naples - Accommodation in the barracks "Lancieri Aosta".
2: Park in Naples.
3: Park in Naples.
4: Loading of the material aboard the steamer "Veniero"
5-12: continue the loading operations.
13: The Battalion went aboard the steamer "Conte Rosso" which sailed during the night.
14: Sailing.
15: At 17:00 hours arrival in Tripoli. Battalion billeted in the barracks of the XX Autocentro.
16: Unloading and storing the material in the warehouse located at km. 5 of the Road Tripoli - Ain Zara.
17 and 18: Continues the unloading operations.
19: Start loading the tanks onto the trailers. At 22:00 hours reaches the Quartermaster's delegation the order for moving the Battalion to eastern Libya.
20: Transfer of the 1º Coy from Tripoli to Casr Karabul.
21: Transfers:
. 1st Coy Casr Karabul - Misurata.
. 2nd Coy Tripoli - Homs.
22: Transfers:
. 1st Coy Misurata - Sirte.
. 2nd Coy Homs - Misurata.
. HQ Coy Tripoli - Homs.
23: Transfers:
. 1st Coy Sirte - EI Agheila.
. 2nd Coy Misurata - Sirte.
. HQ Coy Homs - Misurata.
24: Transfers:
. 1st Coy EI Agheila - Benghazi.
. 2nd Coy Sirte - El Agheila.
. HQ Coy Misurata - Sirte.
21:00 hours - comes from the Superior Command A.S. the order regarding the stop in Benghazi for the 1st Coy and Agedabia for the HQ and other elements of the Battalion.
25: As a result of the order Mentioned above, the Battalion assumes the following deployment:
Battalion's HQ Agedabia.
1st Tank Coy Benghazi.
2nd Tank Coy Agedabia.
HQ Coy in transfer from Sirte to El Agheila.
26: Deployment as on 25th.
The HQ Coy. reached Agedabia.
27: Deployment:
- HQ Coy and 2nd Coy. Agedabia.
- 1st Coy. Benghazi (between km 6 and km 10).
19 hours - comes from the High Command A.S. the order to transfer to Benghazi all elements of the Battalion.
28 :. Transfer to Benghazi of the Battalion's HQ, HQ Coy and 2nd Coy, stop in the Km. 10.
29: Deployment:
-. Battalion's HQ, 1st and 2nd Coy - Benghazi (between km 6 and km 10).
- HQ Coy - Garinnes.
30: Deployment:
as the day before.
The Command of Military Base in Benghazi, announced that the battalion will be a long time in Benghazi, being in charge of the training of personnel of the XXI. Btg. Carri L (light tanks), which must be converted into a Btg. Carri. M. (Battalion of Medium tanks)
31: Deployment: as the day before.
January 1941.
1: Deployment: as the day before.
19:00 hours - The Commander of the Vº Battalion is called to the building of the Governor to confer with Superior Commander A.S. There were present also Gen. Miele, Head of the Staff of High Command, and Col. Moricca, Commander of the 10th rgt. b. The Superior Commander assigns the Tank Battalion as reinforcement of the 10th rgt. b[ersaglieri]. which must move to Ain Gazala and Tmimi.
2: Transfer from Benghazi to Beda.
The HQ Coy start moving in next night leaving 3 tanks in Benghazi, unable to carry them due to unavailability of trailers and tractors.
3: 8:00 hours - The Commander of the 10th rgt. b. ordered to continue the movement along the route Beda - Berta - Martuba - Tmimi - Ain
11:00 hours a Senior Officer of HQ of 10th Army (Maj. Scovea) announced that by order of the Superior HQ, the Battalion should no longer continue the itinerary of Martuba, but must instead continue by the asphalt road (coastal-litoranea), download the tanks in Derna, reach the eastern ridge with tracked materials and reach Ain Gazala.
10:00 hours - start moving from Beda to Derna.
16:00 hours - comes from HQ of the 10th Army the order to continue to Ain Gazala as fast as possible.
19:00 hours arrival in Derna - unloading tanks - refuelling.
4: 3:00 hours - The 1st Coy begins its movement from Derna to Ain Gazala.
6:30 hours - from HQ of the 10th Army comes the orders to stop at Tmimi instead to reach Ain Gazala.
9:00 hours - the 2nd Coy begins its movement from Derna.
9:00 hours - the 1st Coy at Ain Gazala came back to Tmimi.
9:00 hours - HQ Coy (less 3 tanks) reaches Derna.
23:30 hours - an Officer of HQ of the 10th Army (Maj. Scovea) delivers the sheet 01/84 on the transfer of the Battalion by Tmimi to Ain Gazala.
5: 12:00 hours the Battalion moved to Ain Gazala always as reinforcement of the 10th rgt. b.
6: 12:00 hours - Reported to the HQ of 10th Army the resumption of the movement to the location as ordered.
20:00 - begins the movement to achieve Tmimi.
The 1st Coy reached km 95 (paved road Derna - Tobruk) deployment astride the road for protection, and withdrawal of other elements.
The 2nd and HQ Coy reached Tmimi in the night.
The three tanks of HQ Coy marching to Derna in the night. At kilometer 3 (paved road Berta - Derna) the tank driven by Bianchini had an accident, trying to avoid a truck driving in the opposite hand on a sharp turn, it went over the parapet of a bridge on the right side of the road and fell into the ravine. Cap Maggiore Mariani, head of tank, died instantly; Bianchini and the other two crew members were injured in various parts of the body and are admitted in the military hospital in Derna.
7: deployment:
Battalion HQ, HQ Coy and 2nd Coy in Tmimi.
1st Coy at 9:00 hours - withdrew to Tmimi.
Half Platoon of the 10. Coy was sent to Ain Gazala as protection from the engineers elements of the 10th Army responsible for blasting the existing wells there. The half Platoon was again in Tmimi at 12:00.
20:00 -. 1st Platoon of 2nd Coy assigned as reinforcement to one coy of 10th b., for the protection of the rolling material towards Tobruk.
8: 8:00 hours - Arrival of two reserve tanks of HQ Coy at Tmimi.
11:00 hours - half platoon of the 2nd Coy with other fast elements must escort to Ain Gazala a squad of the R.A. (Air Force) tasked to recover some abandoned equipment.
20:00 hours - half Platoon again at Tmimi.
During his stay in Ain Gazala the half platoon was strafed by enemy aircraft.
9: Deployment:
Battalion HQ, HQ Coy, 1st and 2nd Coy at Tmimi.
21:00 hours - the 10th b. HQ communicates the order of the High Command about the movement of the battalion to Berta.
23:00 hours - starts the movement.
In the eastern mouth of the passage of Un Er Zem the battalion halted in order to prioritize the 10th b. which also moves to Berta.
10: 8:00 hours - The battalion reached the eastern ridge of Derna. On order of the HQ of the XX Army Corps the battalion must reach
Fonte Mara in this very day.
16:00 hours - The battalion gathered near the crossing to Fonte Mara.
19:00 - Order of the HQ of the XX Army Corps about the battalion's subordination to the brig. cor. speciale - special armored brigade (Gen Babini) and transfer to El Mechili.
20:00 - The General Tellera, CO of Xº inspects the Battalion.
11: 6:00 am - start of the movement to the Mechili, the Battalion reached the town at 16:00 hours.
12: The Battalion took the deployment as ordered by the HQ of the Arm. Brig.: the Vth Battalion cr. M. 13/40, the IIIrd of the same type (Ten. Col. Ghioldi) and the LXI light (Cap Kechler) composed the 2nd Groupement of Tanks (Col. Taviolì).
13: Deployment: As the 12th.
21:00 - it was received the warning order to move to another area.
14: 2:00 hours - Arrived the order from the HQ of the Groupement for the transfer to the area of Ali Gabr (Southeast of Chaulan).
The Vth Battalion will be the third echelon in the column of the Arm. Brig.
8:30 hours the Battalion began its movement from El Mechili.
17:00 - Arrival at Ali Gabr, the Battalion was deployed as protection for the other detachments of the Brig.
15: Deployment of the Battalion (facing east):
1st and 2nd Coys to the left of the road, Reserve Platoon of tanks: back to the center. HQ, workshops and other services to the bottom of the wadi.
The detachments worked in order to build paths and liasons.
Maintenance personnel with truly exemplary activities, working to put in service four tanks that needed major repairs. Among other things they have replaced two epicyclic systems (box gearing) of a tank of the IIIrd Battalion removed by the repair shop in Derna, and the tank of the Battalion which fell off in the ravine in the night of 6 near Derna and subsequently evacuated to Berta.
16-19: similar to 15th.
20: Exercises with live ammo with cannons and machine guns.
21: High Command Exercises.
Following orders of the HQ of the Groupement, it was traced a path for connecting the position occupied by the Battalion with the road Berta - El Mechili.
22: Work continues on the path.
In the afternoon reconnaissance of the route Ali Gabr - Chaulan.
23: Deployment: note.
19:00 hours came the order to transfer to the area of El Mechili.
23:30 hours beginning of the movement.
The 1st Coy was advance guard of the bulk of the Brig, other elements of the Battalion, at first following the bulk; then outflanking it
to the right.
36 tanks have started from Ali Gabr.
24: Fight to release the position of El Mechili. Intense activities of hostile artillery and aircraft. The Groupement Cdr told the units
about the praise of High Command A.S. and mediums commands by the action since yesterday, defined as brillant.
16:00 - Attack of British tanks against the town of El Mechili, rejected by our artillery.
25: ??
26: Deployment unchanged.
Continued the activity of the hostile artillery.
Reconnaissance by elements of the Brig.; in one of them took part a Platoon of the 2nd Coy.
18:00 hours - Warning order for a withdrawal was received.
19:00 hours Began the movement; the Battalion formed the rearguard of the Brig.
In total 29 tanks including 2 in tow.
27: 15:00 hours - arrival at the town of Ras Icherin.
28: in Rad Icherin (sic).
The Battalion was deployed to provide protection to the other elements of the Brig.
In the afternoon, the position occupied by the 2nd Coy (to the right of the battalion) is under fire from hostile artillery.
British armored vehicles make an attempt of encirclement.
At 19:00 hours - The Commander of the Groupement ordered the battalion to retreat and reach a position located 2 km. north of Cars el Mrag.
29: Reconnaissance and deployment.
11:00 hours - the 2nd Coy sent to Bir Matref to support bersaglieri units of the Brig.
12:00 hours - Commander of Battalion and 1st Coy move to the area between hamlet De Martino and Bir Matref .
18:00 hours - all elements of the V Battalion withdrew up to the aforementioned fork and stay there with the HQ of the Regiment and the III Battalion, M. 13.
30: Deployment as the night before.
16:00 hours - the 2nd Coy was shifted to Bir Matref (an independent platoon detached to the Point 719).
31: Deployment of elements as the previous day.
Ten. Marcone left the command of the 2nd Coy due sickness
February 1941.
1: Deployment of the elements as the previous day.
12:00 hours - The train echelon, including the workshop, under the command of Cap.no Musso, moved to the village De Martino, along with the services from other units of the Brig.
The 2nd Coy received orders to reach the battalion as soon as the troops of the garrison of Chaulan (Col. Bobbio) have been retreated.
2: 6:30 hours - Finished the displacement of the garrison of Chaulan.
08:00 - The Battalion (including the 2nd Coy) constitutes the rearguard of the Brig. which, from the crossroad of Chaulan - De Martino, moved to Gerrari, where it arrived at 12:00 hours.
23:00 hours - comes the warning order for the transfer to Maraua.
3: 01:30 hours - Departure from Garrari (sic) to Maraua. The Battalion is at the forefront of the Brig.
7:00 hours - arrival at Maraua.
while moving, the command tank of the battalion, sunk into a pit; die carr. Tortella.
10:00 hours - enemy air attack with spezzoni (iron pipe filled with explosive / firebrand material).
There were mortally wounded Col. Trivioli, Cap.no Fazzina, S.Ten. Argentina and one tankman; several wounded.
20:30 hours - Departure to Barce. The battalion as rearguard of the Brig.
4: 8:00 hours - arrival at Barce. Commander of the Brig (Gen. Babini) ordered refueling and begin the movement of the combat vehicles to Benghazi, following the rolling material.
10:00 hours - The Groupement (tanks of the IIIrd and Vth Battalion) a total of 39 tanks moving along the trail that leads to El Abiar.
Reconnaissance; taking of position.
5: Deployment as the night before.
12:00 hours - Ten. Col. Autore Camillo, 10 b., I. g. s. assumed command of the armored Groupement.
15:00 hours - Warning order of departure for 19:00 hours ; the V Battalion will be rearguard.
16:00 hours - came the order to leave immediately. The V Battalion at the head of the bulk (to the rear the III Batallón). Itinerary: EI Abiar - Benina - Benghazi - Ghemines - Al El Regina; the V Battalion took the vanguard relieving the battalion of light tanks.
6: 05:30 hours - Arrival at Ghemines. Fight against enemy armor. [appendix 4 report]
7: 01:00 hours - The Commander of the Brig. General Babini, being present the actual Commander of the Armored Groupement, Ten. Col. Autore, ordered to resume the movement southwards.
- The V Battalion flanking the column to the left;
- The III Battalion (Which joined with the Brig. at midnight.) flanking the column on the right; the movement will start at 02:30 hours.
A platoon of the 1st Coy (S.Ten. Testori - 3 tanks) in the lead of the column of the Brig.
A few kilometers after starting the march, the leading tank of the V Battalion, with the Battalion Commander, jumped, after rolling over a mine. As an armored vehicle 508. artillery shells rained down on the column.
The injured were rescued, some in serious conditions (legs and feet amputees) and reconnaissance teams, leading by officers, were sent to seek passages through the minefield.
At 05:00 hours - the V Battalion was ordered to deliver to III. Battalion a Platoon of tanks (S.Ten. Girardi- 3 vehicles) and follow the movement of this battalion.
After traveling a few kilometers, the column reached the paved road - Height km. of 38 Agedabia - and received an intense fire from artillery and antitank weapons.
The tanks of the V Battalion crossed the road and deployed to the east of it and opened fire on the enemy armored vehicles, which were everywhere, right, back, forward, while the hostile artillery fire became increasingly violent.
The fighting happened for about half an hour. Destroyed or immobilized almost all tanks are out of ammo, survivors obey the order of the senior commanders present on the scene (General Bergonzoli and General Babini) to cease fighting.
Losses during the two days of fighting were:
8 KIA, including the S.Ten. Pendibene.
26 WIA, including seven officers,
out of a fighting force of 9 officers, 75 NCOs and men.
I am following this thread over on the Axis History Forum.
I have got the consent of the poster to paste the articles here for you to all enjoy.
[jwsleser - the diary was posted in a series of posts between 30 June and 10 August 2015. I have combined the posts for simplicity.]
The battalion was constituted on November 15, 1940. Organization:
Ten. Col. IEZZI Emilio
S. Ten. FERRARA Mario
S. Ten. PENDIBENE Giovanni
S, Ten. Med. DE NEGRI
Cap.no MUSSO Ettore
Ten. RAP Aldo
S. Ten. PUGLISI Salvatore
S. Ten. RENIER Paolo
S. Ten. ORSI Luigi
S. Ten. GIRARDI Michele
S. Ten. CONELLI Diego
S. Ten. TESTORI Eugenio
T. MARCONE Vittorio
S. Ten. LOBINA Luigi
S. Ten. PICCOLI Mario
S. Ten. CRESCINI Giuseppe
S. Ten. FABI Ugo
November 30: Departure from Verona. Headquarters of the 32nd Tank Regiment.
December 1: Arrival in Naples - Accommodation in the barracks "Lancieri Aosta".
2: Park in Naples.
3: Park in Naples.
4: Loading of the material aboard the steamer "Veniero"
5-12: continue the loading operations.
13: The Battalion went aboard the steamer "Conte Rosso" which sailed during the night.
14: Sailing.
15: At 17:00 hours arrival in Tripoli. Battalion billeted in the barracks of the XX Autocentro.
16: Unloading and storing the material in the warehouse located at km. 5 of the Road Tripoli - Ain Zara.
17 and 18: Continues the unloading operations.
19: Start loading the tanks onto the trailers. At 22:00 hours reaches the Quartermaster's delegation the order for moving the Battalion to eastern Libya.
20: Transfer of the 1º Coy from Tripoli to Casr Karabul.
21: Transfers:
. 1st Coy Casr Karabul - Misurata.
. 2nd Coy Tripoli - Homs.
22: Transfers:
. 1st Coy Misurata - Sirte.
. 2nd Coy Homs - Misurata.
. HQ Coy Tripoli - Homs.
23: Transfers:
. 1st Coy Sirte - EI Agheila.
. 2nd Coy Misurata - Sirte.
. HQ Coy Homs - Misurata.
24: Transfers:
. 1st Coy EI Agheila - Benghazi.
. 2nd Coy Sirte - El Agheila.
. HQ Coy Misurata - Sirte.
21:00 hours - comes from the Superior Command A.S. the order regarding the stop in Benghazi for the 1st Coy and Agedabia for the HQ and other elements of the Battalion.
25: As a result of the order Mentioned above, the Battalion assumes the following deployment:
Battalion's HQ Agedabia.
1st Tank Coy Benghazi.
2nd Tank Coy Agedabia.
HQ Coy in transfer from Sirte to El Agheila.
26: Deployment as on 25th.
The HQ Coy. reached Agedabia.
27: Deployment:
- HQ Coy and 2nd Coy. Agedabia.
- 1st Coy. Benghazi (between km 6 and km 10).
19 hours - comes from the High Command A.S. the order to transfer to Benghazi all elements of the Battalion.
28 :. Transfer to Benghazi of the Battalion's HQ, HQ Coy and 2nd Coy, stop in the Km. 10.
29: Deployment:
-. Battalion's HQ, 1st and 2nd Coy - Benghazi (between km 6 and km 10).
- HQ Coy - Garinnes.
30: Deployment:
as the day before.
The Command of Military Base in Benghazi, announced that the battalion will be a long time in Benghazi, being in charge of the training of personnel of the XXI. Btg. Carri L (light tanks), which must be converted into a Btg. Carri. M. (Battalion of Medium tanks)
31: Deployment: as the day before.
January 1941.
1: Deployment: as the day before.
19:00 hours - The Commander of the Vº Battalion is called to the building of the Governor to confer with Superior Commander A.S. There were present also Gen. Miele, Head of the Staff of High Command, and Col. Moricca, Commander of the 10th rgt. b. The Superior Commander assigns the Tank Battalion as reinforcement of the 10th rgt. b[ersaglieri]. which must move to Ain Gazala and Tmimi.
2: Transfer from Benghazi to Beda.
The HQ Coy start moving in next night leaving 3 tanks in Benghazi, unable to carry them due to unavailability of trailers and tractors.
3: 8:00 hours - The Commander of the 10th rgt. b. ordered to continue the movement along the route Beda - Berta - Martuba - Tmimi - Ain
11:00 hours a Senior Officer of HQ of 10th Army (Maj. Scovea) announced that by order of the Superior HQ, the Battalion should no longer continue the itinerary of Martuba, but must instead continue by the asphalt road (coastal-litoranea), download the tanks in Derna, reach the eastern ridge with tracked materials and reach Ain Gazala.
10:00 hours - start moving from Beda to Derna.
16:00 hours - comes from HQ of the 10th Army the order to continue to Ain Gazala as fast as possible.
19:00 hours arrival in Derna - unloading tanks - refuelling.
4: 3:00 hours - The 1st Coy begins its movement from Derna to Ain Gazala.
6:30 hours - from HQ of the 10th Army comes the orders to stop at Tmimi instead to reach Ain Gazala.
9:00 hours - the 2nd Coy begins its movement from Derna.
9:00 hours - the 1st Coy at Ain Gazala came back to Tmimi.
9:00 hours - HQ Coy (less 3 tanks) reaches Derna.
23:30 hours - an Officer of HQ of the 10th Army (Maj. Scovea) delivers the sheet 01/84 on the transfer of the Battalion by Tmimi to Ain Gazala.
5: 12:00 hours the Battalion moved to Ain Gazala always as reinforcement of the 10th rgt. b.
6: 12:00 hours - Reported to the HQ of 10th Army the resumption of the movement to the location as ordered.
20:00 - begins the movement to achieve Tmimi.
The 1st Coy reached km 95 (paved road Derna - Tobruk) deployment astride the road for protection, and withdrawal of other elements.
The 2nd and HQ Coy reached Tmimi in the night.
The three tanks of HQ Coy marching to Derna in the night. At kilometer 3 (paved road Berta - Derna) the tank driven by Bianchini had an accident, trying to avoid a truck driving in the opposite hand on a sharp turn, it went over the parapet of a bridge on the right side of the road and fell into the ravine. Cap Maggiore Mariani, head of tank, died instantly; Bianchini and the other two crew members were injured in various parts of the body and are admitted in the military hospital in Derna.
7: deployment:
Battalion HQ, HQ Coy and 2nd Coy in Tmimi.
1st Coy at 9:00 hours - withdrew to Tmimi.
Half Platoon of the 10. Coy was sent to Ain Gazala as protection from the engineers elements of the 10th Army responsible for blasting the existing wells there. The half Platoon was again in Tmimi at 12:00.
20:00 -. 1st Platoon of 2nd Coy assigned as reinforcement to one coy of 10th b., for the protection of the rolling material towards Tobruk.
8: 8:00 hours - Arrival of two reserve tanks of HQ Coy at Tmimi.
11:00 hours - half platoon of the 2nd Coy with other fast elements must escort to Ain Gazala a squad of the R.A. (Air Force) tasked to recover some abandoned equipment.
20:00 hours - half Platoon again at Tmimi.
During his stay in Ain Gazala the half platoon was strafed by enemy aircraft.
9: Deployment:
Battalion HQ, HQ Coy, 1st and 2nd Coy at Tmimi.
21:00 hours - the 10th b. HQ communicates the order of the High Command about the movement of the battalion to Berta.
23:00 hours - starts the movement.
In the eastern mouth of the passage of Un Er Zem the battalion halted in order to prioritize the 10th b. which also moves to Berta.
10: 8:00 hours - The battalion reached the eastern ridge of Derna. On order of the HQ of the XX Army Corps the battalion must reach
Fonte Mara in this very day.
16:00 hours - The battalion gathered near the crossing to Fonte Mara.
19:00 - Order of the HQ of the XX Army Corps about the battalion's subordination to the brig. cor. speciale - special armored brigade (Gen Babini) and transfer to El Mechili.
20:00 - The General Tellera, CO of Xº inspects the Battalion.
11: 6:00 am - start of the movement to the Mechili, the Battalion reached the town at 16:00 hours.
12: The Battalion took the deployment as ordered by the HQ of the Arm. Brig.: the Vth Battalion cr. M. 13/40, the IIIrd of the same type (Ten. Col. Ghioldi) and the LXI light (Cap Kechler) composed the 2nd Groupement of Tanks (Col. Taviolì).
13: Deployment: As the 12th.
21:00 - it was received the warning order to move to another area.
14: 2:00 hours - Arrived the order from the HQ of the Groupement for the transfer to the area of Ali Gabr (Southeast of Chaulan).
The Vth Battalion will be the third echelon in the column of the Arm. Brig.
8:30 hours the Battalion began its movement from El Mechili.
17:00 - Arrival at Ali Gabr, the Battalion was deployed as protection for the other detachments of the Brig.
15: Deployment of the Battalion (facing east):
1st and 2nd Coys to the left of the road, Reserve Platoon of tanks: back to the center. HQ, workshops and other services to the bottom of the wadi.
The detachments worked in order to build paths and liasons.
Maintenance personnel with truly exemplary activities, working to put in service four tanks that needed major repairs. Among other things they have replaced two epicyclic systems (box gearing) of a tank of the IIIrd Battalion removed by the repair shop in Derna, and the tank of the Battalion which fell off in the ravine in the night of 6 near Derna and subsequently evacuated to Berta.
16-19: similar to 15th.
20: Exercises with live ammo with cannons and machine guns.
21: High Command Exercises.
Following orders of the HQ of the Groupement, it was traced a path for connecting the position occupied by the Battalion with the road Berta - El Mechili.
22: Work continues on the path.
In the afternoon reconnaissance of the route Ali Gabr - Chaulan.
23: Deployment: note.
19:00 hours came the order to transfer to the area of El Mechili.
23:30 hours beginning of the movement.
The 1st Coy was advance guard of the bulk of the Brig, other elements of the Battalion, at first following the bulk; then outflanking it
to the right.
36 tanks have started from Ali Gabr.
24: Fight to release the position of El Mechili. Intense activities of hostile artillery and aircraft. The Groupement Cdr told the units
about the praise of High Command A.S. and mediums commands by the action since yesterday, defined as brillant.
16:00 - Attack of British tanks against the town of El Mechili, rejected by our artillery.
25: ??
26: Deployment unchanged.
Continued the activity of the hostile artillery.
Reconnaissance by elements of the Brig.; in one of them took part a Platoon of the 2nd Coy.
18:00 hours - Warning order for a withdrawal was received.
19:00 hours Began the movement; the Battalion formed the rearguard of the Brig.
In total 29 tanks including 2 in tow.
27: 15:00 hours - arrival at the town of Ras Icherin.
28: in Rad Icherin (sic).
The Battalion was deployed to provide protection to the other elements of the Brig.
In the afternoon, the position occupied by the 2nd Coy (to the right of the battalion) is under fire from hostile artillery.
British armored vehicles make an attempt of encirclement.
At 19:00 hours - The Commander of the Groupement ordered the battalion to retreat and reach a position located 2 km. north of Cars el Mrag.
29: Reconnaissance and deployment.
11:00 hours - the 2nd Coy sent to Bir Matref to support bersaglieri units of the Brig.
12:00 hours - Commander of Battalion and 1st Coy move to the area between hamlet De Martino and Bir Matref .
18:00 hours - all elements of the V Battalion withdrew up to the aforementioned fork and stay there with the HQ of the Regiment and the III Battalion, M. 13.
30: Deployment as the night before.
16:00 hours - the 2nd Coy was shifted to Bir Matref (an independent platoon detached to the Point 719).
31: Deployment of elements as the previous day.
Ten. Marcone left the command of the 2nd Coy due sickness
February 1941.
1: Deployment of the elements as the previous day.
12:00 hours - The train echelon, including the workshop, under the command of Cap.no Musso, moved to the village De Martino, along with the services from other units of the Brig.
The 2nd Coy received orders to reach the battalion as soon as the troops of the garrison of Chaulan (Col. Bobbio) have been retreated.
2: 6:30 hours - Finished the displacement of the garrison of Chaulan.
08:00 - The Battalion (including the 2nd Coy) constitutes the rearguard of the Brig. which, from the crossroad of Chaulan - De Martino, moved to Gerrari, where it arrived at 12:00 hours.
23:00 hours - comes the warning order for the transfer to Maraua.
3: 01:30 hours - Departure from Garrari (sic) to Maraua. The Battalion is at the forefront of the Brig.
7:00 hours - arrival at Maraua.
while moving, the command tank of the battalion, sunk into a pit; die carr. Tortella.
10:00 hours - enemy air attack with spezzoni (iron pipe filled with explosive / firebrand material).
There were mortally wounded Col. Trivioli, Cap.no Fazzina, S.Ten. Argentina and one tankman; several wounded.
20:30 hours - Departure to Barce. The battalion as rearguard of the Brig.
4: 8:00 hours - arrival at Barce. Commander of the Brig (Gen. Babini) ordered refueling and begin the movement of the combat vehicles to Benghazi, following the rolling material.
10:00 hours - The Groupement (tanks of the IIIrd and Vth Battalion) a total of 39 tanks moving along the trail that leads to El Abiar.
Reconnaissance; taking of position.
5: Deployment as the night before.
12:00 hours - Ten. Col. Autore Camillo, 10 b., I. g. s. assumed command of the armored Groupement.
15:00 hours - Warning order of departure for 19:00 hours ; the V Battalion will be rearguard.
16:00 hours - came the order to leave immediately. The V Battalion at the head of the bulk (to the rear the III Batallón). Itinerary: EI Abiar - Benina - Benghazi - Ghemines - Al El Regina; the V Battalion took the vanguard relieving the battalion of light tanks.
6: 05:30 hours - Arrival at Ghemines. Fight against enemy armor. [appendix 4 report]
7: 01:00 hours - The Commander of the Brig. General Babini, being present the actual Commander of the Armored Groupement, Ten. Col. Autore, ordered to resume the movement southwards.
- The V Battalion flanking the column to the left;
- The III Battalion (Which joined with the Brig. at midnight.) flanking the column on the right; the movement will start at 02:30 hours.
A platoon of the 1st Coy (S.Ten. Testori - 3 tanks) in the lead of the column of the Brig.
A few kilometers after starting the march, the leading tank of the V Battalion, with the Battalion Commander, jumped, after rolling over a mine. As an armored vehicle 508. artillery shells rained down on the column.
The injured were rescued, some in serious conditions (legs and feet amputees) and reconnaissance teams, leading by officers, were sent to seek passages through the minefield.
At 05:00 hours - the V Battalion was ordered to deliver to III. Battalion a Platoon of tanks (S.Ten. Girardi- 3 vehicles) and follow the movement of this battalion.
After traveling a few kilometers, the column reached the paved road - Height km. of 38 Agedabia - and received an intense fire from artillery and antitank weapons.
The tanks of the V Battalion crossed the road and deployed to the east of it and opened fire on the enemy armored vehicles, which were everywhere, right, back, forward, while the hostile artillery fire became increasingly violent.
The fighting happened for about half an hour. Destroyed or immobilized almost all tanks are out of ammo, survivors obey the order of the senior commanders present on the scene (General Bergonzoli and General Babini) to cease fighting.
Losses during the two days of fighting were:
8 KIA, including the S.Ten. Pendibene.
26 WIA, including seven officers,
out of a fighting force of 9 officers, 75 NCOs and men.
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