However, I still have considerable doubt that is determined by this situation. If the third photo was actually taken in Agordat, I understand that the wagons belonged to the 321.a company that participated in the fight of MONTE KOBEN at CASSALA on 31 January 1941 and was then destroyed at AGORDAT towards the end of the following month of March. If the wagon (or wagons) belonged to the 4th platoon they had to be from the 322th company ....... well ..... terrible doubt ....... the Italians .... the usual .... incomprehensible warriors..
All the best
Platoon marking works in different way; 4 stripes mean that it's 4th platoon in this particular company, not the platoon numbered 4.
For example: you have 6 platoons overall numbered from 1 to 6 respectively.
You split them among 2 companies, 1, 2 and 3 to 1st one and 4, 5 and 6 to 2nd.
Then platoon numbered 1 will be first platoon in 1st company, so it's marking will be single stripe on red rectangle.
Platoon numbered 4 on the other hand will be 1st platoon in 2nd company, so it's marking will be single stripe on blue rectangle etc.
I highly doubt that this photo was taken in Agordat, but for different reason;
On this photo we can see 4th tank of the 4th platoon, so it means that this company had to have at least 16 tanks (4 platoons, 4 tanks each), but as we know companies in East Africa were made of 12 tanks. On the other hand this marking could be made before splitting company in two and just wasn't repainted after.