From the books of Nino Arena
With the Italian staff were set up:
-1ª Divisione Atlantica Fucilieri di Marina (with a Btg. garrison Base "Betasom’’)
Establishment of mixed Italian-German crews for naval escort units, Antisom and four minesweeper squadrons (under the command of Movm and CF 1st cl. Cap. Vascello Enzo Grossi)
-n° 6 Coast battery (Gironda area)
-others coastal battery (Tolone area)
-Service battalions
-Engineers and service battalions
Other units in France
-Reparto Autonomo Volontari Milizia
-1° Gruppo Artiglieria pesante
-6° Gruppo Artiglieria pesante
-1114° Gr. Artiglieria a.a. (Provenza and later Germany)
-Gruppo Speciale CC.NN. da sbarco (a Tolone)
-18ª Cp. Sussistenza (a Nizza)
-Many costruction and services battalions
-Reparti della MGR
-ANR ( Istres: Gruppo Aerosiluranti).
(The Departments remained in arms until early May 45, while the Marine Artillery Section in Saint Nazaire - German naval base on the Loire estuary - ceased hostilities on May 17, 1945).
The personnel of the Submarine Base of Danzica - under the orders of the Movm Commander Mario Arillo - who had joined the RSI, were partly transferred to "Betasom '' in Bordeaux, others chose the 10th MAS Flotilla.
The two Battalions of Nebbiogeni, present in various areas of northern Germany, immediately joined the RSI, continuing their service always appreciated by the Germans. "The 39th Cp. Nebbiogeni employed in the locality of Wilhelmshafen was the first unit - in September '43 - to raise the Republican flag in Germany. '' Immediately afterwards, the German Commands requested the establishment of a Training Center and new Battalions that they assumed the number of 1st, 4th and 5th.
Comando Truppe Nebbiogene (Stettino)
Centro di Addestramento
-1° Battaglione - Schwinemunde-Wilhelmshafen
-II° Battaglione - Gotenhafen
-III° Battaglione -Oderthal-Pillau
-IV° Battaglione -Noos Jerbau
-V° Battaglione - Grossborn-Zeit
-A nucleus of auxiliaries of the SAF
-1° Reggimento Artiglieria costiera
-2° Reggimento Artiglieria costiera
-3° Reggimento Artiglieria costiera
-6° Reggimento Artiglieria costiera
-8° Reggimento Artiglieria costiera
-9° Reggimento Artiglieria costiera
-10° Reggimento Artiglieria costiera
-14° Reggimento Artiglieria costiera
-III° Battaglione corazzato (Munzingen)
-4x Fortress battalions (Baltic)
-Detachment CXLI° Btg. "M’’ d’Assalto (from Crete)
-Plotone Carri "L’’ (Bergen) from Egeo
The NRA was present with the 114th Coastal Surveillance Group of Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Karelia, Czechoslovakia with the "Terracciano '' Air Transport Group and with the" Trabucchi '' Air Transport Group.
Small contingents of RSI troops were present in: HUNGARY: Artillery groups and a few hundred Soldiers POLAND: 63rd Cp; presidential office, headquarters, offices, hospital and services ROMANIA: Sailors and Autiers of the Naval Base of Constance BULGARIA: Cp. of Grenadiers
In the aftermath of the armistice, the Italians who had not accepted unconditional surrender prepared to continue hostilities alongside the Allied and against their old enemies. In Rhodes an Italian Aegean Unit Command was formed which had jurisdiction over the Formations that remained in arms or arose voluntarily.
-Reggimento Volontari "Rodi’’
-201ª Legione CC.NN. - GNR Egea "Conte Verde’’
-Cp. mitraglieri
-Cp. fucilieri (a Syra)
-Cp. GNR
-Cp. Volontari fascisti
-Cp. telecomunicazioni
-Batterie di Artiglieria (a Zante e Nauplis) e Lero
-due Battaglioni di costruttori
-24ª Legione GNR "Carroccio’’ (Samos) ( 24° Btg., 25° Btg., 24ª Cp. mitraglieri, un Gruppo Artiglieria)
-Volontari Esercito aderenti alla RSI
-ANR: Reparto aereo dell’Egeo
(in arms until May 8, '45)
Legione Volontari Italiani "Creta’’
Gruppo Artiglieria
141° Btg. "M’’ d’Assalto (Retymno)
Reparti Genieri, Semaforisti e Servizi
due Battaglioni costruttori
MGR - quattro batterie costiere e armamento antiaereo
ANR - occasional presence of the Torpedo Bomber Group "Faggioni '' present the distant maritime reconnaissance (in arms until May 6, '45)
LXVII° Btg. CC.NN. (a Salonicco)
The personnel of the "CB '' Squadron stationed in the Black Sea and operating in the waters of the Crimea, joined the RSI. Already on 17 September 1943, the" CB 1 '' in war action sank a Soviet unit. Remained in arms until August 1944, the squadron personnel returned to Italy.
In the face of the difficult situation in Russia, in the summer of '43, the 2nd Fallschirmjäger Division, which was based in Italy, was also sent to that chessboard. About fifty Italian Paratroopers, formerly of the 10th Arditi, joined this Unit, and were included in the divisional Exploring Group. From November 1943 to October '44, these Republicans - known as the Truck Driver Department - fought in the land of Russia, distinguished by valor, aggressiveness and constant presence in the hottest points of the clashes. The very few survivors continued the struggle in Belgium and Holland, where the 2nd Fallschirmjäger Division was subsequently deployed.
Of the Departments and Ships located in the Far East, 90% of the Italians joined the RSI, i.e. almost all of the Italians present: Marò del "S. Marco '', Sailors and Seafarers formed a Marine Department out of three Battalions of fusiliers and a Battery There were adhesions among our compatriots in Shanghai (San Marco), Singapore, Malaysia and Japan.
-491 Legione GNR "Marche" (49' Big., 50' Big., 49' Cp. mitraglieri) dislocazione: Sebenico (Croazia), in armi sino al maggio '45 in Austria
-72a Legione GNR "Farini" (72' Btg., 33' Btg., 72' Cp. mitraglieri) dislocazione: Scutari (Albania), Podgorica e Danilovgrad (Croazia)
-86a Legione GNR "Indomita" (86' Btg., 94' Btg., 86' Cp. mitraglieri) dislocazione: Scutari Albania), Bosnia e Croazia. In armi sino al maggio '45.
-CX LIV' Battaglione Autonomo GNR "Irpino". Dislocazioni: Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia, Croazia. In armi sino al maggio '45.
-XXXIII'Btg. autonomo GNR. Dislocazione in Serbia. In armi sino al maggio '45 (Austria).
-XL' Btg. GNR "Scaligero". Dislocazione in Croazia e Slovenia. In armi sino al maggio '45.
-LIII'Btg. aut. GNR. Dislocazioni in Serbia e Croazia. In armi sino al maggio '45.
-LXXXI' Btg. aut. GNR. Dislocazioni in Montenegro e Croazia. In armi sino al maggio '45 (Zagabria). LXXXII' Btg. aut. GNR. Dislocazioni in Serbia Montenegro e Austria. In armi sino al maggio '45. XCII' Btg. aut. GNR. In Albania sino al marzo '44, indi in Croazia, poi rientrato in Italia.
-CXI' Btg. d'Assalto GNR. Dislocazioni: Montenegro, Serbia, Croazia. In armi sino al maggio'45 (Zagabria). XCIV' Btg. GNR (Montenegro)
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