New Member
Does anyone know the OOB for the Bersaglieri Battalion attached to the 11th Granatieri Regiment which fought so capably at Keren in 1941? Did it have two Bersaglieri companies or three? Was there a weapons company? Mortars? At this time I understand them (info via Jack Green and Tactical Notebook) as having a Command Company which consisted of a Command Platoon with a Supply squad and a Transport squad, a Signal Platoon with a Radio/Telephone squad and a Heliograph squad, and a Reconnaissance Platoon with three Recon squads (41 men). The Bersaglieri battalion with two Rifle Companies, each of which was composed of a Command Squad and three Bersaglieri Platoons, each Bersaglieri platoon had two squads, and a Machine Gun Platoon with 4 Hvy MGs, probably one Hvy MG in each of 4 squads. About 500 men? This is just my conjecture. Any help would be appreciated.