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184º reparto corazzato


Staff member
I have been searching for detailed information on this unit. I thought I had a source, but I now find it doesn't answer my questions.

This was the armor unit assigned to the «Nembo». Gli autoveicoli da combattimento vol.2 has a platoon organization, but doesn't specify the type of vehicle. Given it is showing four men per vehicle, I am assuming the vehicles are M14/41.

Arena's Nembo! states the unit has 16 vehicles, a mix of M14s and L6s.

Does anyone have info on this unit?

The existence of an armored group within the ranks of the Nembo division (the only paratroop division left to Italy in 1943) is another of those stories stretched by the post-war narrative to exalt the fighting virtues of the Regio Esercito. It should be borne in mind that at the time of the creation of the Nembo the Italians had at their disposal 400 armored vehicles of all types and that is just the minimum wage to equip the armored divisions currently in the field and a few other departments among other things. divided between cavalry bersaglieri and tankers. The fact that a tank department was organically assigned to a paratrooper division is nothing short of science fiction given the era of creation of the great unit. (one of the many in which the division was divided at the time of the 1943 armistice) with the 13th paratrooper battalion, a 47/32 tank gun company and a divisional services company there was also the 3rd group Cavalry squadrons of Sardinia (on L6 / 40) which at first glance could be mistaken for a unit which is also divisional but which in reality was not, in fact it belonged to the cavalry weapon and being a unit assigned to the division which
All the best


Staff member
Thank you Maurizio

It does appear that this unit did exist. Gli autoveicoli da combattimento vol.2 pp. 737–738 has copy of the order dated 14 June 43 to mobilize at least a tank platoon (six vehicles). It states that the unit was authorized on 15 February 43 (Si sanziona la costituzione del 184º platoon carristi paracadutisti avvenuta sotto la data del 15/2/1943 XXI). On p.105 it mentions the Plotone carristi del 184º rgt. para. on Sardegna with the «Nembo».

From the archives I have a copy of the order dated 30 May 43 ordering the division to Sardegna. In the list of units to go to the island is the 184º reparto carristi.

In Le operazioni delle unità italiane nel settembre-ottobre 1943, p.272, the unit is listed as part of the «Nembo».

I am also working on the 3º gruppo squadroni cavalleggeri di Sardegna and the II/3º rgt. carristi.

v/r Jeff


Staff member
Well I finally discovered why I couldn't find which tanks/armored cars were assigned to the 3º gruppo squadroni cavalleggeri di Sardegna. It wasn't listed as an armor unit in any of the sources detailing the tanks in September 43 The unit didn't have any as it was still a horse cavalry unit.
Bravo Jeff ... you are right ... I checked well and your references are correct and moreover a tank department of the Nembo division is also on page 229-230 of the Volume Combat Groups published by SME in the year 1972. ... The problem is that I have never found other evidence of media distributed to that unit there if not a note in a degree thesis by an Italian historian that you can also find on the internet (Braneschi Francesco thesis of LUISS History) which lists a Nembo tank department as equipped with L6-L40 tanks) ... see you .... Hello Maurizio


Staff member
Good day Maurizio

I have a copy of Braneschi's “Come Nembo di tempesta” storia ed analisi della divisione paracadutisti “Nembo”. As his main source of information was Arena, I didn't see it as providing new research.

What is the title of the 1972 book on the Combat Groups?

v/r Jeff


Staff member
Thank you DrG

I suspected that was the book, but my copy is 1951. Unfortunately no additional details are provided in that chapter.


New Member
According to "Carro M vol.2" book by Gruppo Modellistico Trentino the 184º Plotone Carristi was made of 6 old M13/40 tanks and stationed in Viterbo.


Staff member

Thank you for that information. Does the book provide a source for that statement?

Pista! Jeff


Staff member
Grazie! I would be surprised if the tanks were actually M13/40s. Likely not many remaining. In 1943, the new tank was the M15/42 so the use of M14/41 could be considered old tanks. But that is a swag.


New Member
Tbh I think it's at least propable, the book is usually very specific about type of the vehicle used. While not many M13s survived to this point the photo evidence clearly shows that they were used, mainly by 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tank Regiments, but some even attached to "Ariete II" Division during defense of Rome. At least few of them were early production pieces, later re-used by RSI, which is surprising when looking at nuber produced. On the other hand even one M11/39 survived at least till 1944, so M13s case isn't as weird as it seems. The book says, that old M40 tanks were used because of shortages and secondary character of the 184th platoon.


Staff member
Thank you. I have checked all my sources and there isn't any authoritative information on the model of tanks used. Everything I have states M14/41 or M15/42.

The book says, that old M40 tanks were used because of shortages and secondary character of the 184th platoon.
While certainly possible, that sounds more like a modern rationalization given the lack of information. Using old tanks creates problems of its own.

Further sources will need to be discovered to fully answer this question.

While it was possible that M13/40 were attached to the «Ariete II» during the battle for Rome, the actual tanks assigned to the division were M15/42s.

Pista! Jeff


New Member
I've used wrong wording, sorry. The 5 M40 tanks were part of the initial squad of "Lancieri di V.E. II" regiment, they weren't attached.


New Member
I think I've found additional confirmation, that tanks of the 184. were actually M series vehicles.
According to N.Pignato in "Gli Autoveicoli... Vol.2" there were plans of creating airborne armored units equipped with medium tanks. They were supposed to be transported by Caproni Ca.180 heavy transport plane, but this project never left the drawing board.


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