After spending many hours attempting to research this Distintivo, I am not very much further forward than I was at the beginning (other than gaining a little knowledge on the way). Some things belonging to my late Uncle Jimmy, came to me a number of years ago. Having moved house recently, I ended up going through some of the items again. This badge is a real mystery to me. It is by Stefano Johnson (Roma / Milano). I am familiar with the work of S. Johnson, who were prolific for a number of years, producing a broad range of enamel goods, medallions, medals, badges etc. The ting that strikes me regarding many of these Italian badges, is that they are, in their composition items which "tell a story". I know that Jimmy served in the RAF during WW2. I know he served in Italy and a number of Middle Eastern Countries. The only thing that is clear to me regarding this badge is the reference to 103 Squadriglia. There appear to be 3 crowns on the white circular area (heavenly body?), It appears by the 2 clawed feet that I see, and the spearheaded "tail" that the "pinkish" shape may be a dragon or reptile of sorts? The 3 small boats on the coastline is a mystery. Clearly it represents possibly a Libyan coastline? Although I know that 103 squadriglia served in Eritrea at one point. The Blue shape is possibly the representation of a geographical area, with the small brass relief within, representing an air base perhaps? Perhaps the key is in the other part of the inscription (for which I can find no meaning) "SVMA A POST". Tried a number of variants of this wording, but no joy. Unless this was an air transport function at one point, and the Post, was literally the mail run. A number of similar squadriglia badges of this type can be seen on various sites online, but this one is a real mystery in deciphering, I have not seen another, despite hours of searching. Hoping that someone out there may have some knowledge of this! Thanks.