2 coy each btl and 9 tanks coy are incompatible with a total of 170
I am not stating that their are nine companies in «Centauro», there are only eight companies. Montanari states there were 9 companies of tanks in Albania. One of those companies was GaF, so not part of «Centauro». That means eight companies belonged to «Centauro» and that division had four battalions.
Authorized strength for a battaglione was 36 carri L and 10 carri LF. Total authorized for the division was 144 carri L and 40 carri LF = 184. «Centauro» in Albania had only 133 carri L and 37 carri LF. The division was short 11 carri L and 3 carri LF, a total of 14 missing vehicles. 170 + 14 = 184.
The GaF company is not part of «Centauro», hence not part of the calculation.
for the "meccanizzazione..." in other place report 3 coy btl at example page 184 of the 2nd Tomo
That is discussing the western border with France, not Albania. «Centauro» wasn't in Italy facing France. That page is also discussing options/possibilities, not realities. Under Italia it lists
Carro d'assalto nuovo tipo. The first btg. carri M da M13/40 were 36 carri M in two companies, the same as the carri L without the carri LF.
All I can state is Montanari is clear that «Centauro» had eight companies in four battalions. The division had 133 carri L and 37 carri LF. The only organization that matches these numbers is the btg. carri L with two companies and a total of 46 tanks. You can't make a three-company organization work with these numbers even if you ignore Montanari.
Pista! Jeff