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Damned Hunchbacks - new book


Morning all,
I was just about to start reading Paolo Morsi’s Steel Centurions book when I thought I would do a Google search on the author to see what other books he has written of which I already own a couple.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that Helion will be releasing his next book this month (???) entitled Damned Hunchbacks. This would appear to be a comprehensive history on the development and operational use of the Savoia Marchetti SM79.
There are many books on this well known aircraft but hopefully this book will be the most detailed.
I have registered an interest with Helion and am looking forward to be getting it.
I will of course update this thread when I get the book and give my thoughts on it.
Regards to all,


Afternoon all,
My copy of Damned Hunchbacks has arrived.
I have had a quick scan through of the book. The format and style of the book is the same as Steel Centurions but around 120 pages shorter. It looks promising although the author seems to be making torpedo claims attributed to the German Airforce. I look forward to be reading this and ascertaining the information to support this!
The photograph section looks good with some pictures that I have seen before.
Will do a review once I have read it!
Regards to all,


I have finally read Damned Hunchbacks which I enjoyed. As previously stated, the book is written in the authors same style which is easily read. It is chronically in order so starts off with the development of the torpedo bomber aspect, the formation and then the operational use. The author has obviously researched in depth and includes a good bibliography section and plenty of citations.
I did have some concerns about the claims of some of the torpedoings but this was allayed with a little further research. Having said that, some of torpedoing accounts in the text does not correlate with the appendix which deals with the lists of successes achieved.
The author goes into the difficulties facing the deployment of torpedo bombers which includes the lack of warheads throughout the conflict which surprised me. You also get a feeling of what faced the crews due to substandard equipment and the strength of the opposition.
This book is the best of all the books dealing with this subject written in English. Having said that, I have so far been unable to secure the book by Luigino Caliaro on the same subject In order to compare.
Regards to all,