In a thread on AHF, LColombo replied to an individual asking about Italian soldiers at Stalingrad. He provide this link to a blog discussing soldati trapped in the pocket.
Inverno 1942-43: finiti "per caso" nel mattatoio di Stalingrado
The blog discusses a book by Alfio Caruso, Noi moriamo a Stalingrado (Longanesi, 2006, pag. 280).
So here we have some real evidence for at least 77 soldati Italiani trapped in the city.
Pista! Jeff
Inverno 1942-43: finiti "per caso" nel mattatoio di Stalingrado
The blog discusses a book by Alfio Caruso, Noi moriamo a Stalingrado (Longanesi, 2006, pag. 280).
So here we have some real evidence for at least 77 soldati Italiani trapped in the city.
Pista! Jeff