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R.S.I. bersaglieri units April 45


Staff member
Posted 27 August 2013 - 07:01 PM by gleaning

Ciao a tutti. I was just wondering if any Bersaglieri(RSI) saw action against again British units during the last weeks of the war, during the retreat in the North of Italy. I know that elements of 4. division "Italia" saw action against US and Brazilian forces during these last weeks, but I'm looking for any info regarding Bersaglieri units engaged in combat against British troops.

Thanks in advance.

Posted 29 August 2013 - 12:17 PM by dicassette2000

I dont know any units of Italia division that fought with british troops in 1945. The only "bersaglieri" troops that fought with british troops were the 1rst and 3rd coys of mameli battalion a independent bersaglieri battaglion that after have fought with 715.a and 44.a ID germans divisions was put with Italia division in Garfagnana . But The Italia fough with Brazilian and USA divisions in that place.
All the best

Posted 29 August 2013 - 04:50 PM by glenning

Ah yes, I see, the Mameli batallion was however transfered to the "Italia" division in '44 though? I know they fought the British in fall '43. Any other 'random' Bersaglieri units(autonomous or attached to other RSI units)that fought against the British in spring '45?

Posted 30 August 2013 - 08:45 AM by dicassette2000

RSI autonomous bersaglieri units were these:
Centro Arruolamento Bersaglieri
Bersaglieri RSI garrison duty, the name was a alias for an operative battalion Liguria faced USA divisions.

3.o Reggimento Bersaglieri
Garrisoning Liguria , part at Elba and La Spezia, attached to Monterosa division, faced 92nd USA infantry division. Riolo, Vergato . December 1944 Tortona. Faced USA divisions.

8.o Reggimento Bersaglieri
Raised Milano, Torino, Verona with:
-"Mussolini" battalion
-"Mameli" battalion
-"Toti" battalion

never operated togheter....

"Mussolini" battalion
Verona, valle Isonzo, Jugoslavia. Fought with Tito partisans. Destroyd Yugoslavia.

"Mameli" battalion
Raised 20 february 1944, Rimini, 1st coys Gothic line september-november 1944 fought with british troops . Semidestroyed went to Verona for rest and refitting. 2nd coy went to Adriatic line fought with british troops. 1st coy went to Adriatic in december 1944. Never employed. 1st march 1945 all the battalion (survived) went to garfagnana with Italia division. Fought there with USA divisions.

"Toti" battalion
Raised 20 may 1944 never employed.

I dont know other "bersaglieri" RSI autonomous units that fought in ww2. Note that also "Italia" division was the last RSI division that was raised in Germany
for Salò Republic and the so little of all. Also many deserters and stragglers were in it.
Hope it help
All the best