• Get Paid to Write for Comando Supremo: We are looking for talented researchers/writers who are fluent in English and can write original content on Italy in World War Two. Please reach out to webmaster@comandosupremo.com if interested!

T-821 has been digitized and placed online.


Staff member
NARA has digitized all 508 reels of T-821 (Italian Captured Records). You can find the records HERE

No fast way to download copies, but a gold mine of information.

Thanks to a friend, Lee Ness for notifying me.

Pista! Jeff


Staff member
I was surprised by this, but quite happy to see it had happened. I had been watching the pace of the digitalization of the German records by NARA and was thinking the Italian records wouldn't happen until the German records were completed.

Now I will need to go through my guides and see which files I was considering to purchase.

So many files, so little computer time.

Pista! Jeff


Staff member
The guides help narrow the search, but then one must look at the pages to find what one is seeking. It would be the same looking through the files in Washington D.C. but without the cost of the travel.

I have learned to use the index pane on the right to quickly get to the part of the roll I am looking for. The new file pages are quite distinctive. I also can recognize the first page of an Italian doc, so only look at those pages until I find the one I want. The frame numbers in the guides are a few pages off, with the frame you need being a sightly large number (several digits) than what is stated in the guide.

I am just happy it is now available.

Pista! Jeff