Home » About Comando Supremo: Italy in WW2

About Comando Supremo: Italy in WW2

by tdXLjtATv8

About Comando Supremo

We decided to incorporate a small section of this website to talk a little about why it was developed and the purpose/needs of the website. We often get emails throughout the week requesting information about our interests in Italian history, questions regarding Italy in WW2 and how someone can contribute to the site. We are hoping this page will help answer many of your questions, and perhaps generate more interest in Comando Supremo: Italy at War.

Why We Created This Site

We first started this website because there was a very limited amount of web pages on Italy in WW2. And what little was available, usually gave a biased portrayal of the men and women who fought under the Italian flag. Don’t get me wrong, there are a handful of sites on the Italian war effort that are very well done. Most of which are linked on this site.

This website first materialized in January 2000. It was a very ominous beginning. We had a basic knowledge of Italian military history and even less on programming and web design. But eventually, we became a little more knowledgeable on both topics and here we stand today.

The information available on this site is tremendous, with numerous pages of information in which very little of it actually came from us. If it was not for the many devoted and kind students of Italian military history, this website would only be a fraction of what it is now. Although we now consider myself to be somewhat knowledgeable on Italian World War Two history, we rely on the excellent contributions of regulars on this site to keep Comando Supremo: Italy in WW2 growing. In short, we like to think of this website’s purpose as a medium in allowing all Italian World War Two information to be stored and we will continue striving until this website becomes the first source people come to on the net to learn and share information on Italian World War Two topics.

What Can You Do To Help

Believe it or not, you are helping right now just by visiting this site, which is the whole purpose to start with. But as with anything, it costs money and many, many hours of work to keep something like this going. You can help in many ways, some of which cost nothing to you. Here are some examples:

* You can spread the word about this site.

* You can become active in the forum.

* You can provide articles (including photos) to the site. It’s a great way to get your literature promoted!

* You can purchase books listed on this site. The book links all go to Amazon.com.

* If none of these options are good for you, email us for further opportunities.

Please Do Not

* Email us questions about Italian World War Two actions. I am too busy to answer these emails. Please use the search feature or post a question in the forum.

* Assume that we or this site are Fascist. We are very much capitalist individuals and this site is strictly historical in nature. Furthermore, we will not tolerate pro-Fascist ideology.

* Do not copy the information provided on this site without proper credit or our consent or the consent.

On a Final Note…

We want to thank each of you for visiting Comando Supremo: Italy in WW2 If you have any other questions, please feel free to send Email. Thanks for visiting!

Jim H
Comando Supremo: Italy at War

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