Home » Antonio Basso: Generale Di Corpo D’Armata

Antonio Basso: Generale Di Corpo D’Armata

by Valdis Kursietis

The following information provides a snapshot of the career of Antonio Basso: Generale Di Corpo D’Armata.

Antonio Basso

Generale Di Corpo D’Armata Antonio Basso

Born: 27 June 1881 in Napoli
Died: 2 October 1958 in Roma


Sottotenente: 1 Oct 1899
Tenente: 6 Sep 1902
Capitano: 31 Dec 1911
Maggiore: 10 Dec 1916
Tenente colonnello: 7 Oct 1917
Colonnello: 31 Dec 1926 (sen.)
Generale di brigata: 16 Sep 1935
Generale di divisione: 31 Jul 1938
Generale di corpo d’armata: 16 Apr 1942


1 Feb 1935 – 20 Feb 1936: Commander of Artillery, Army Corps of Alessandria
20 Feb 1936 – 1 Sep 1938: Commandant, Academy of Artillery and Engineering
1 Sep 1938 – 1 Dec 1938: assigned to Army Corps of Bologna for Duties
1 Dec 1938 – 1 Jan 1939: assigned to Ministry of War for Special Duties
1 Jan 1939 – 1 Nov 1940: Director General of Artillery, Ministry of War
1 Nov 1940 – 15 Jul 1943: General Officer Commanding, XIII Army Corps
28 Mar 1943 – 8 Sep 1943: concurrently General Officer Commanding, Armed Forces of Sardegna
8 Sep 1943 – 20 Oct 1943: Governor of Sardegna
1 Nov 1943 – Oct 1944: General Officer Commanding, Armed Forces of Campania

Awards & Decorations

Grand’uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 19 Dec 1940
Commendatore dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 3 Apr 1942
Commendatore dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 21 Jan 1935
Uffiziale dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro
Uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 25 Oct 1931
Cavaliere dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 28 Dec 1919
Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia
Croce al merito di guerra: 22 Jun 1918

Additional Notes

Graduated from the Royal Military Academy of Infantry and Cavalry in Modena. In October 1944 he was accused of failure to execute orders in Sardinia on the occasion of the armistice, he was dismissed and arrested. In June 1946 he had to answer before the Territorial Military Court of Rome for the crime of failure to carry out an assignment (Article 100 of the Military Criminal Code of War) “… for not having carried out operations orders, without justified reason”. He was acquitted after nearly two years of imprisonment on 28 June 1947. Placed in the reserve on 29 June 1946 and on absolute leave on 27 June 1954.

Bollettino ufficiale delle nomine, promozioni e destinazioni negli ufficiali e sottufficiali del R. esercito italiano
e nel personale dell’amministrazione militare;
Annuario militare del Regno d’Italia;
Antonio Basso (generale) – Wikipedia 

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