Home » Enrico Adami-Rossi: Generale Di Corpo D’Armata

Enrico Adami-Rossi: Generale Di Corpo D’Armata

by Valdis Kursietis

The following information provides a snapshot of the career of Enrico Adami-Rossi: Generale Di Corpo D’Armata.


Generale Di Corpo D’Armata Enrico Adami-Rossi

Born: 10 January 1880 in Cagliari
Died: 12 July 1963 in Roma


Sottotenente: 24 Sep 1900
Tenente: 3 Apr 1904
Capitano: 2 Mar 1916 (sen.)
Maggiore: 21 Mar 1918
Tenente colonnello: 24 Sep 1923
Colonnello: 27 Nov 1927
Generale di brigata: 16 Sep 1935
Generale di divisione: 31 Jul 1938
Generale di corpo d’armata: 15 Apr 1942 


5 May 1935 – 16 Sep 1935: Commanding Officer, 29th Infantry Brigade
16 Sep 1935 – 1936: Commanding Officer, Infantry Brigade “Peloritana II”
1936 – 11 Jan 1938: Deputy General Officer Commanding, Infantry Division “Peloritana”
11 Jan 1938 – 1 Sep 1938: assigned to Army Corps of Firenze for Special Duties
1 Sep 1938 – 15 Jan 1941: General Officer Commanding, Territorial Defence Command of Firenze
15 Jan 1941 – 1943: General Officer Commanding, Territorial Defence Command of Bari
11 Jan 1942: transferred to the reserve, remaining in service
5 Jul 1943 – Sep 1943: General Officer Commanding, Territorial Defence of Torino
11 Nov 1943 – : General Officer Commanding, 201st Military Regional Command of Firenze
5 Apr 1945 – 28 Apr 1945: General Officer Commanding, 206th Military Regional Command of Torino

Awards & Decorations

Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia:
Grand’uffiziale dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro
Grand’uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 19 Dec 1940
Commendatore dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 3 Apr 1942
Commendatore dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 21 Jan 1935
Uffiziale dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 16 Jan 1939
Uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia
Cavaliere dell’ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 1 Jun 1930
Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia
Cavaliere dell’Ordine Civile di Savoia
Medaglia d’argento al valor militare
Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare (x2)
Croce al merito di guerra (x2)
Medaglia commemorativa della guerra italo-austriaca 1915 – 1918 (4 anni di campagna)
Medaglia commemorativa dell’Unità d’Italia
Medaglia commemorativa italiana della vittoria
Commendatore dell’Ordine dell’Aquila Germanica (senza spade) (Germany)
Commendatore dell’Ordine St. Anna (senza spade) (Russia)
Ordine della Corona della Tailandia 5° Classe (Thailand)
Commendatore dell‘Ordine di Danilo I (Montenegro)
Cavaliere dell‘Ordine del Salvatore (Greece)

Additional Notes

After the war Adami-Rossi was tried by the Court of Assizes of Florence which found him guilty of collaborating for having favored the establishment of extraordinary military tribunals, on 26 May 1946 he was initially sentenced to death with confiscation of all assets, but the sentence was overturned on appeal. Re-tried, in November 1947 he was sentenced to twenty-four years in prison. In another parallel trial he was sentenced to three years for failing to resist the Germans after the armistice of 8 September 1943. On 3 February 1948 the sentence was changed to 2 years imprisonment and he was released the same month. On November 19, 1953 he was definitively acquitted by the Supreme Court of Appeal and reinstated in grade, obtaining the restitution of his assets.

Bollettino ufficiale delle nomine, promozioni e destinazioni negli ufficiali e sottufficiali del R. esercito italiano e nel personale dell’amministrazione militare;
Annuario militare del Regno d’Italia;
La Stampa;
Biography of Lieutenant-General Enrico Adami-Rossi (1880 – 1963), Italy (generals.dk);


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