Home » Giovanni ESPOSITO di Zopito e di Apollonia Acerbo GENERALE DI CORPO D’ARMATA

Giovanni ESPOSITO di Zopito e di Apollonia Acerbo GENERALE DI CORPO D’ARMATA

by Valdis Kursietis

The following information provides a snapshot of the career of Giovanni ESPOSITO di Zopito e di Apollonia Acerbo GENERALE DI CORPO D’ARMATA.

Giovanni ESPOSITO di Zopito e di Apollonia Acerbo GENERALE DI CORPO D’ARMATA

Giovanni ESPOSITO di Zopito e di Apollonia Acerbo GENERALE DI CORPO D’ARMATA

Born: 18 May 1882 in Loreto Aprutino

Died: 3 June 1958 in Roma


Sottotenente: 14 Sep 1906

Tenente: 14 Sep 1909

Capitano: 1914

Maggiore: 1915

Tenente colonnello: 13 Jun 1926

Colonnello: 18 Feb 1930

Generale di brigata: 9 Sep 1937

Generale di divisione: 31 May 1940

Generale di corpo d’armata: Apr 1944


10 Jun 1937 – 15 Dec 1938: Deputy General Officer Commanding, 28th Infantry Division “Vespri”

15 Dec 1938 – 1 Sep 1939: Commanding Officer, Frontier Guards, Army Corps of Milano

1 Sep 1939 – 14 Jan 1941: General Officer Commanding, 57th Infantry Division “Lombardia”

14 Jan 1941 – 1 Oct 1942: General Officer Commanding, 5th Alpine Division “Pusteria”

1 Oct 1942 – 25 Apr 1943: assigned to Inspectorate of Alpine Troops

25 Apr 1943 – May 1943: assigned to Ministry of War, Inspector of Alpine Troops

Jul 1943 – May 1945: General Officer Commanding, 204th Regional Military Command Trieste


Awards & Decorations:

Cavaliere dell’Ordine militare di Savoia: 20 Nov 1941

Grand’uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 17 Aug 1942

Commendatore dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 20 Apr 1934

Uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 15 Jan 1923

Cavaliere dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 28 Dec 1919

Cavaliere dell’Ordine coloniale della Stella d’Italia: 28 Dec 1933

Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia

Medaglia d’oro al valor militare: 22 Mar 1913

Medaglia d’argento al valor militare: Oct 1915

Medaglia di bronzo al valor militare: Jul 1915

Croce al valore



Graduated from the Royal Military Academy of Infantry and Cavalry in Modena. After the armistice of 8 September 1943, in an attempt to protect the Italian population, he joined the Italian Social Republic, becoming regional commander of the Republican National Army. At the end of the war, accused of collaborating with the enemy, he was arrested, jailed, tried, and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Transferred to Italy by decision of the Allied Military Government, he was imprisoned in Civitavecchia, and in December 1948 the Court of Cassation reduced his sentence to 15 years in prison. Released in January 1949 by taking advantage of the government amnesty, he retired to private life, being reinstated in his rank in 1956.



Bollettino ufficiale delle nomine, promozioni e destinazioni negli ufficiali e sottufficiali del R. esercito italiano

e nel personale dell’amministrazione militare;

Annuario militare del Regno d’Italia;




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