Background on Generale Prince Adalberto of Savoy, Duke of Bergamo
The following information provides a snapshot of the career of Generale d’armata Prince Adalberto Luitpoldo Elena Giuseppe Maria of Savoia-Genova, Duca di Bergamo.

Generale d’armata Prince Adalberto of Savoy, Duca di Bergamo.
Born: 19 March 1898 in Turin
Died: 12 December 1982 in Turin
Maggiore: 17 June 1923
Tenente colonnello: 21 June 1925
Colonnello: March 1929
Generale di brigata: 1 March 1934
Generale di divisione: 15 February 1936
Generale di corpo d’armata: 15 March 1938
Generale designato d’armata: 14 December 1939
Generale d’armata: 23 July 1943
March 1931 – 1 March 1934: Commanding Officer, Cavalry Regiment Savoia Cavalleria
1 March 1934 – 20 September 1935: Commanding Officer, 6th Infantry Brigade
20 September 1935 – 15 February 1936: Deputy General Officer Commanding, 24th Division Gran Sasso
15 February 1936 – 15 October 1936: General Officer Commanding, 24th Division Gran Sasso
15 October 1936 – 5 November 1936: assigned to Army Corps of Milano for Special Duties
5 November 1936 – 1 April 1938: General Officer Commanding, Infantry Division Legnano
22 June 1938 – 10 September 1939: General Officer Commanding, Army Corps of Milano
10 September 1939 – 25 January 1940: at the disposition of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army
25 January 1940 – 10 October 1940: Commander-in-Chief, 8th Army
10 October 1940 – 31 October 1940: at the disposition of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army
31 October 1940 – 1 October 1941: at the disposition of the Ministry of War
1 October 1941 – 1 August 1943: Commander-in-Chief, 7th Army
1 August 1943: at the disposition of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army
Awards & Decorations
Cavaliere dell’Ordine Supremo della Santissima Annunziata: 1919
Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro
Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia
Cavaliere dell’Ordine di Sant’Uberto
Cavaliere dell’Ordine dell’Aquila Nera
Cavaliere d’Onore e Devozione del Sovrano Militare Ospedaliero Ordine di Malta
Cavaliere di Collare dell’Ordine Equestre del Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme
Medaglia d’argento al Valor Miltare: 29 Apr 1936
Additional Notes
Prince Adalberto is the fourth son of Admiral Tommaso di Savoia-Genova and Isabella, Princess of Bavaria, brother of Generale d’armata Filberto di Savoia-Genova, Duca di Pistoia and Ammiraglio d’armata Ferdinando di Savoia-Genova, Principe di Udine.
Adalberto di Savoia-Genova was awarded the title Duca di Bergamo by King Vittorio Emanuele III on 22 September 1904. In accordance with art. 34 of the Albertine Statute: “The Princes of the Royal Family are rightly part of the Senate. Princes sit immediately after the President. They enter the Senate at twenty-one years, and have a vote from twenty-five.” Duca di Bergamo was thus a member of the Senate from 1919 – 1946.
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