by Valdis Kursietis

The following information provides a snapshot of the career of Riccardo MOIZO GENERALE DI CORPO D’ARMATA.



Born: 27 August 1877 in Saliceto di Mondovi

Died: 26 February 1962 in Rome


Sottotenente: 30 Oct 1896

Tenente: 1 Sep 1899

Capitano: 10 Aug 1909 (sen. 1 Jul 1909)

Maggiore: 7 Jul 1915

Tenente colonnello: 10 Dec 1916

Colonnello: 16 Aug 1917

Generale di brigata: 21 Feb 1929

Generale di divisione: 1 Dec 1932

Generale di corpo d’armata: 11 Jan 1937


Jan 1923 – 16 Oct 1923: Commander in Chief of the Air Force

Jan 1923 – 16 Oct 1923: concurrently Director General of Military Affairs, Aviation Commission

16 Oct 1923 – 21 Oct 1923: assigned to the General Staff of the Air Force with the rank of General

21 Oct 1923 – 24 Feb 1924: reassigned to the Army with the rank of Colonel, at disposition

24 Feb 1924 – 1 Nov 1926: Commanding Officer, 6th Heavy Artillery Regiment

1 Nov 1926 – 21 Feb 1929: Commanding Officer, 3rd Heavy Artillery Regiment

21 Feb 1929 – 16 Nov 1930: Artillery Commander, Army Corps of Rome

16 Nov 1930 – 16 Sep 1931: Inspector of Mobilisation, 21st Military Territorial Division of Rome

16 Sep 1931 – 1 Dec 1932: at the disposition of the Command of the Designated Army of Firenze

1 Dec 1932 – 8 Feb 1934: General Officer Commanding, 6th Military Territorial Division of Milano

8 Feb 1934 – 16 Sep 1934: General Officer Commanding, Military Division of Legnano

16 Sep 1934 – 1 Oct 1935: General Officer Commanding, 1st Fast Division “Eugenio di Savoia”

1 Oct 1935 – 30 Nov 1935: assigned to the Ministry of War

30 Nov 1935 – 27 Aug 1940: Commander in Chief, Royal Carabinieri

27 Aug 1940: at the disposition of the Ministry of War for special assignments

12 Aug 1943 – 12 Sep 1943: High Commissioner for the Province of Ljubljana


Awards & Decorations:

Cavaliere dell’Ordine militare di Savoia: 16 Mar 1913

Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 10 May 1943
Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 18 Oct 1938
Grand’uffiziale dell’Ordine coloniale della Stella d’Italia: 16 Jul 1936

Grand’uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 9 May 1935
Commendantore dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 14 Jan 1937
Commendatore dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 14 Oct 1923
Uffiziale dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 15 Jan 1931
Uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 29 Jan 1922
Cavaliere dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 13 Sep 1917
Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 12 Nov 1911
Grand’uffiziale dell’Ordine della Corona di S.M. il Re del Belgio: 24 Jan 1931
Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine Equestre di S. Agata della Repubblica di San Marino: 12 May 1936
Medaglia commemorativa della guerra italo-turca

Croce d’oro per anzianità di servizio

Medaglia d’argento al valore militare (2)

Croce al merito di guerra

Distintivo d’onore per i mutilati di guerra

Distintivo “ex piloti-aviatori di guerra”

Medaglia commemorativa delle operazioni in A.O.I.

Medaglia d’argento al merito di lungo comando di reparto



Graduated from the Royal Military Academy of Artillery and Engineering in Torino. Appointed Senator on 25 March 1939. Member of the Senate Commission of the Armed Forces from 23 January 1940 – 5 August 1943. After the proclamation of the armistice on 8 September 1943, Ljubljana was occupied by the Germans who put Moizo under house arrest where he remained until 10 October. Having returned to Italy, he moved to Camogli where he remained until February 1944 when he learned that he was being investigated and moved to Saliceto which was his native town. After his wife was arrested on March 1, he decided to turn himself in. Detained in the prisons of Verona, Venice and Brescia, he was acquitted by the Special Court for the Defence of the State of RSI of the accusation of having favored the disbandment of the Italian troops in the province of Ljubljana, and on 6 October 1944 was released.



Scheda senatore MOIZO Riccardo – Senato.it;

Bollettino ufficiale delle nomine, promozioni e destinazioni negli ufficiali e sottufficiali del R. esercito italiano

e nel personale dell’amministrazione militare;

MOIZO, Riccardo in “Dizionario Biografico” (treccani.it);


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