Home » Axis Forces in Tunisia 1943 OOB

Axis Forces in Tunisia 1943 OOB

by Jim H

The following list is the Order of Battle of Axis Forces in Tunisia during 1943.

Order of Battle: Axis Forces in Tunisia

Cannone da 47/32 in Tunisia, 31 March 1943.

Cannone da 47/32 in Tunisia, 31 March 1943.

XX Corpo d’armata

General Vittorio Sogno

‘Superga’ Infantry Division (General F. Gellich)
91st Infantry Regiment
92nd Infantry Regiment
5th Artillery Regiment
50th Special Brigade (General G. Imperiali) [Former ‘Imperiali’ Div.]
6th Infantry Regiment
3rd Artillery Group
15th Tank Battallion
557th SP Gun Group

The corps served under the DAK/German V Army/Armeegruppe Afrika, as support it could muster the:

‘San Marco’ Marine Infantry Battalion

First Army

General Giovanni Messe

XX Corpo d’armata

Generale Taddeo Orlando

136th Division ‘Giovani Fascisti’ (General N. Sozzani)
8th Bersaglieri Regiment
136th Infantry Regiment
136th Artillery Regiment
‘Trieste’ Motorized Division (General F. LaFerla)
65th Infantry Regiment
66th Infantry Regiment
21st Artillery Regiment

90 Leichtdivision (General T. Graf von Sponeck)
155 Grenadier Regiment
200 Panzergrenadier Regiment
361 Panzergrenadier Regiment
190 Motorisierte Art. Regiment

XXI Corpo d’armata

General Paolo Berardi

‘La Spezia’ Infantry Division (General G. Pizzolato)
125th Infantry Regiment
126th Infantry Regiment
80th Artillery Regiment
‘Pistoia’ Infantry Division (General G. Falugi)
35th Infantry Regiment
36th Infantry Regiment
3rd Artillery Regiment

164 Leichtdivision (General K. von Liebenstein)
220 Grenadier Regiment
382 Grenadier Regiment
433 Panzergrenadier Regiment

Divisions under direct army control (no corps-lvl HQ)

‘Centauro’ Armoured Division (General C. G. Calvi di Bergolo)
31st Tank Regiment
5th ‘Bersaglieri’ Rgt.
131st Artillery Regiment
132nd Anti-Tank Art.Rgt
‘Lodi’ Recce Battalion (AB41)

‘Saharian Grouping’ (General A. Mannerini)
350th Infantry Regiment
290th Infantry Regiment
‘Novara’ Recce Battalion (AB41)

4 Infantry Battalions
7 Saharian Companies
Army-Level Support:

‘Monferrato’ Recce Battalion
‘Nizza Cavalleria’ Recon Battalion
25th Machine-Gun Battalion
171st Machine-Gun Battalion
7 Artillery Groups (Battalions)

Written by: Paolo Marcenaro

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