Detailed below is the 20 June 1940 Italian invasion of France Order of Battle.

Italian First Army in the invasion of France. Image credit: Goran tek-en [CC BY-SA 4.0]
Army Group West
H.R.H. Umberto di Savoia, Prince of Piemont
Army Group Assets:
61st Air Force Sqn (recon)
1st Army
General Pietro Pintor
Army Assets:
4th AA Arty Rgt
2nd Army Arty Group
4th Army Arty Group
7th Army Arty Group
8th Army Arty Group
1st Signal Bn
2nd Cableways Bn
2nd Miners (Mountain Eng) Bn
5th Miners Bn
69th Air Force Sqn (recon)
Army Reserves :
7th Infantry Division “Lupi di Toscana” (General Ottavio Priore)
16th Infantry Division “Pistoia” (General Mario Priore)
22nd Infantry Division “Cacciatori delle Alpi” (General Dante Lorenzelli)
5th Alpini Division (General Amedeo de Cia)
“Celere” Group
1st Bersaglieri Rgt
3rd Tanks Rgt
“Cavalleggeri di Monferrato” Cav. Rgt
2nd Corps
General Francesco Bettini
4th Infantry Division (Mountain) “Livorno” (General Benvenuto Gioda)
33rd Infantry Division (Mountain) “Acqui” (General Francesco Sartoris)
36th Infantry Division (Mountain) “Forli’ ” (General Giulio Perugi)
4th Alpini Division “Cuneense” (General Alberto Ferrero)
Corps Assets:
3rd Guardia alla Frontiera Sector
2nd Corps Arty Group
2nd Eng Group
7th Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
14th Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
22nd Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
“Valle Stura” Alpini Bn
“Val Maira” Alpini Bn
6th MMG Bn
102nd MMG Bn
109th Positional MMG Bn
114th Positional MMG Bn
5th “Artieri” (Construction Eng) Bn
2nd Tank coy
84th Telegraph Coy
152nd Workers Coy
1st Chemical Coy
72nd Searchlights Section
6th Mobile Pingeon-Messengers Unit
3rd Corps
General Mario Arisio
3rd Infantry Division “Ravenna” (Gen. Edoardo Nebbia)
6th Infantry Division “Cuneo” (Gen. Gen.Carlo Melotti)
Corps Assets:
2nd Guardia alla Frontiera Sector
3rd Corps Arty Group
3rd Eng Group
16th Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
“Val Venosta” Alpini Bn
3rd MMG Bn
103rd MMG Bn
112th Positional MMG Bn
10th “Artieri” (Construction Eng) Bn
7th Telegraph Coy
72nd Telegraph Coy
3rd Blackshirts Bn
4th Blackshirts Bn
8th Mobile Pingeon-Messengers Unit
15th Corps
General Gastone Gambara
5th Infantry Division “Cosseria” (General Alberto Vassari)
37th Infantry Division (Mountain) “Modena” (General Alessandro Gloria)
44th Infantry Division “Cremona” (General Umberto Mondino)
Alpini Group (4 x Alpini Bns – 2 x Alpini ARty Bns – 1 x Blackshirts Bn)
Corps Assets:
1st Guardia alla Frontiera Sector
5th Guardia alla Frontiera Sector
15th Corps Arty Group
11th Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
24th Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
15th MMG Bn
108th Positional MMG Bn
111th Positional MMG Bn
9th “Artieri” (Construction Eng) Bn
71st Telegraph Coy
76th Telegraph Coy
100th Radio Coy
33rd Blackshirts Bn
34th Blackshirts Bn
4th Army
General Alfredo Guzzoni
Army Assets:
1st AA Arty Rgt
1st Army Arty Group
6th Army Arty Group
9th Army Arty Group
5th Eng Group
1st Miners Bn
3rd Miners Bn
5th Air Force Sqn (recon)
2nd Telegraph Coy
129th Radio Coy
Army Reserves:
11th Infantry Division “Brennero” (General Arnaldo Forgiero)
58th Infantry Division “Legnano” (General Edoardo Scala)
2nd Alpini DIvision “Tridentina” (General Ugo Santovito)
“Celere” Group
4th Bersaglieri Rgt
1st Tank Rgt
“Nizza Cavalleria” Cav.Rgt
1st Corps
General Carlo Vecchiarelli
1st Infantry Division (Mountain) “Superga” (General Curio Barbasetti di Prun)
24th Infantry Division “Pinerolo” (General Giuseppe de Stefanis)
59th Infantry Division (Mountain) “Cagliari” (Gen. Antonio Scuero)
Corps Assets:
8th Guardia alla Frontiera Sector
9th Guardia alla Frontiera Sector
1st Corps Arty Group
19th Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
23rd Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
“Susa” Alpini Bn
“Val Cenischia” Alpini Bn
3rd Alpini Group (3 bns)
1st MMG Bn
101st MMG Bn
113th Positional MMG Bn
11th “Artieri” (Construction Eng) Bn
78th Telegraph Coy
83rd Telegraph Coy
96th Radio Coy
11th Blackshirts Bn
3rd Mobile Pingeon-Messengers Unit
4th Corps
General.Camillo Mercalli
2nd Infantry Division (Mountain) “Sforzesca (General Alfonso Ollearo)
26th Infantry Division (Mountain) “Assietta” (General Emanuele Girlando)
Corps Assets:
7th Guardia alla Frontiera Sector
4th Corps Arty Group
8th Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
4th MMG Bn
104th Positional MMG Bn
1st “Artieri” (Construction Eng) Bn
73rd Telegraph Coy
92nd Telegraph Coy
98th Radio Coy
11th Mobile Pingeon-Messengers Unit
Alpini Corps
General Luigi Negri
1st Alpini Division “Taurineense” (General Paolo Micheletti)
Alpini Group “Levanna”
3rd Alpini Rgt
Corps Assets:
10th Guardia alla Frontiera Sector
12th Guardia alla Frontiera Arty Group
103rd Positional MMG Bn
110th Positional MMG Bn
Alpini Bn “Duca d’Aosta”
Alpini ski unit “Monte Bianco”
Alpini “Arditi” (Assault Troops) Unit
13th Blackshirts Bn