Home » Mario Tiberio Caracciolo: Generale d’armata

Mario Tiberio Caracciolo: Generale d’armata

by Valdis Kursietis

Background on Generale d’armata Mario Tiberio Caracciolo

The following information provides a snapshot of the career of Generale d’armata Mario Tiberio Caracciolo, Baron of Feroleto.

Born: 26 February 1880 in Naples
Died: 22 December 1954 in Rome

Generale d’armata Mario Tiberio Caracciolo

Generale d’armata Mario Tiberio Caracciolo


Sottotenente: 1 October 1899
Tenente: 1 November 1901
Capitano: 2 April 1911
Maggiore: 31 October 1915
Tenente-colonnello: 25 February 1917
Colonnello: 4 April 1918
Generale di brigata: September 1931
Generale di divisione: 30 September 1934
Generale di corpo d’armata: 1 January 1938
Generale designato d’armata: 8 December 1940
Generale d’armata: 14 November 1942


2 September 1931 – 1 January 1933: Inspector of Mobilisation, Military Territorial Division of Messina
1 January 1933 – 30 September 1934: Commander of Artillery, Military Command of Sicily
30 September 1934 – 23 Feb 1935: assigned to Ministry of War for Special Duties
23 February 1935 – 1 October 1935: General Officer Commanding, 22nd Infantry Division “Cacciatori delle Alpi”
1 October 1935 – 15 December 1936: General Officer Commanding, 1st Fast Division “Eugenio di Savoia”
15 December 1936 – April 1937: assigned to Ministry of War for Special Duties
April 1937 – October 1937: General Officer Commanding, Libya
October 1937 – 1 December 1939: General Officer Commanding, XXI Army Corps
1 December 1939 – 1 January 1940: assigned to Ministry of War for Special Duties
1 January 1940 – 10 December 1940: Superior Inspector of Technical Services
10 December 1940 – 15 April 1941: Commander-in-Chief, 4th Army
17 April 1941- 14 August 1941: Commander-in-Chief, 5th Army
15 August 1941 – 10 April 1942: at the disposition of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army for Special Duties
10 April 1942 – 11 September 1943: Commander-in-Chief, 5th Army

Awards & Decorations

Grande ufficiale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 17 October 1935
Commendatore dell’Ordine dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 5 May 1939
Commendatore dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 25 October 1931
Ufficiale dell’Ordine della Corona d’Italia: 18 April 1926
Cavaliere dell’Ordine dei S.S. Maurizio e Lazzaro: 3 April 1913
Medaglia d’argento al Valor Militare: 24 May 1917
Medaglia d’argento al Valor Militare: 23 October 1911
Croce di cavaliere dell’Ordine Mauriziano: July 1913
Croce al merito di Guerra: 12 July 1918

Additional Notes

Mario Tiberio Caracciolo was awarded the title Barone by Royal Decree on 1 June 1942. Fascist forces arrested him on 5 January 1944. After his arrest they brought him before the Special Court for the Defense of the State, following imprisonment in Rome, Florence, Verona, and Venice. Caracciolo was tried in Brescia (“trial of the generals”) and sentenced to execution. However, it was commuted to 15 years in prison. Caracciolo was released on 25 April 1945 after partisan insurrection. He subsequently transferred to the reserve in June 1945 and placed on absolute leave in August 1947.

Bollettino ufficiale delle nomine, promozioni e destinazioni negli ufficiali e sottufficiali del R. esercito italiano
e nel personale dell’amministrazione militare
Annuario militare del Regno d’Italia
Archivio La Stampa/
Formia e la Sua Storia
Famiglia Nobili Napolentane

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